A to Z Blogging Challenge: Tea Leaf Reading Dictionary Letter G

A To Z BloggingChallenge-A Is For...Tea Leaf ReadingSymbols (8)

Hi, and happy Friday! Friday’s – before this April Blogging Challenge started, used to be reserved for gratitude on this blog. So I am going to take advantage of this sentiment, and say that I am grateful for you reading my series, and for being a part of this larger blogging community! Thank you

I have compiled a list of interesting facts about tea for your today. 22 Facts to be exact. I wonder how many of those you know. Let me know which of these surprised you the most:

22 Facts about Tea

  1. In Russia tea was traditionally prepared in a samovar, which is a heated metal container that keeps it warm for hours.
  2. Ireland is the first nation of tea drinkers per capita, Britain is the second.
  3. A tea plant needs at least 50 inches of rain each year
  4. It takes 12 years for a tea plant to be able to produce seeds
  5. If not harvested, a tea plant can grow up to 52 feet tall
  6. Over half of the tea brewed in the US is made from tea bags – about 65 %.
  7. Black tea contains tannic acid, which can remove warts
  8. In order to appear that they are drinking whiskey, Actors usually get watered down black tea, which looks very similar.
  9. The first book about tea comes from China, and was written in 780, and is called The Classic of Tea.
  10. Black, Green, Oolong, Dark and White teas come from the same plant, called Camellia sinensis.
  11. High tea originated with the working class British, who would return home at 6pm for dinner that always included strong tea
  12. According to Chinese Legend, the servants of Emperor Shen Nong where purifying water by boiling it, when leaves from the tea bush fell into the water. It was at that time considered as a tonic and health drink.
  13. The most expensive tea in the world is fertilized by Panda waste. It is grown in Ya’An, China, and cost about 200 dollars a cup of tea.
  14. Chinese call black tea “red tea”.
  15. The best-selling tea brand in the world is Lipton.
  16. Tea bags were invented in the US by accident, when customers placed sample silk bags into water, instead of emptying their contents, as it was intended.
  17. Tea only contains about half as much caffeine as coffee
  18. The only places were tea are grown in the US are a small island off the Coast of South Carolina, and also Hawaii
  19. Celestial Seasonings adds soy lecithin to your tea products, which is not good for those who are allergic to this unnecessary ingredient.
  20. In Russia, India and many other places, Chai means tea, so don’t order chai tea there, they will look at you funny. Instead order Masala Chai.
  21. Pickled tea is a delicately in Burma.
  22. Dampened tea leaves make a great mosquito repellant.

Enjoyed reading these facts? Some are rather strange, aren’t they? Now let’s get back to our Tea Leaf Reading Symbol Dictionary, with the letter G

Shop Chocolate Chip Cookies at Eleni'sLetter G:

Geese: Geese always warn of unexpected visitors or unrest. Consider yourself warned

Giraffe: Watch what you are saying your words can have a unexpected and negative effect on situations, if you are using them carelessly.

Goat: the new adventure you are about to embark on, has some risk. Not a good sign for someone who is in the Navy or works on water

Grapes: this symbol showcases a time of enjoyment and leisure, time to enjoy the success you have earned

Guitars: a sign that there is a potential attraction in play. Maybe it is time for an exciting new relationship or a new deeper passionate phase in the current one.

Gun: A sudden change that is not for the better. Be aware, and take a close look at all of the other symbols that show up during this reading.

I hope to see you again tomorrow!

Have a wonderful day!

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Plan Ahead – Editorial Calendar And Marketing Planner For Creatives, Artists, Bloggers and More (Free PDF)

Plan Ahead - Free Editorial Calendar

Creating relevant content for the upcoming months, means to be up to date on major and minor holidays. But it gets more complicated, when you add to these often celebrated holidays those minor and less often remembered celebrations, such as National Pancake Day or the Summer Solstice.

This information can be not only useful for bloggers, who can plan their content around those holidays, but also adds a volume of potential marketing possibilities for Product on Demand Artists, Photographers, Writers, Affiliate Marketers and other creative people who have an online presence.

dog toys

In order to make it easier for you to plan your marketing strategies for this year, I have combined a list of strategies and lesser known holidays and celebrations, as a gift for you. Simply click on this link: Editorial Calendar And Marketing Planner Year  and download it, to print out to build your own strategies for the upcoming months.

Please do not alter this pdf  in any way. You may share the PDF with your friends, in a non-commercial setting, but only un-altered.

Download it now!
Editorial Calendar And Marketing Planner Year


Because it is Friday, which on this blog means, it is time to talk about gratitude – I wanted to share with you what I am grateful for this week:

  1. I am grateful that despite the fact that my husband was stuck in snow this morning, while traveling in Dallas, he was safe due to the fact that he had snowchains with him. Apparently everyone has been driving safely, because he has not seen an accident. That is a very good thing.
  2. I am grateful that instead of being in snow, I am in Las Vegas to 85 degree weather. I will cherrish every moment of warmth today.
  3. I am grateful that my daughter is feeling better after having had a cold. She was invited to a picnic last weekend, and got promptly sick, due to the fact that it was still a little bit more windy then everyone expected. But she is on the mend now.
  4. I am grateful that it is Friday, which means it is bill paying day. It might seem a little weird to be happy about paying bills, but I am grateful that I can, when I know how many have to make decisions between eating and paying the electric. I am blessed in every way, and I am grateful for that fact.
  5. I am grateful for the abundance of items I have on my list this week. I am exited to share with you those wonderful new products, and some special deals, which I have carefully weeded through. More on that over the next few days. (Some of these are for you pet owners out there)

What are you grateful for this week? Share with us here, or write a blog post, and join the many blogs that are participating in the following blog hops:

Color Caddy

Thankful Thursdays

No Rules Weekend Blog Party

Winter Is Leaving

Share With Me Blog Hop

Be Inspired 

Celebrate The Small Things

Finding Happiness In Gratitude

Finding Happinessin Gratitude

Happiness can not exist in the absence of gratitude.
If you are looking for happiness, you will not find it in the search for new experiences, nor in the absence of desire. Happiness is found within the moments of appreciation, the time when we stop and express with every aspect of our being, a deep felt thank you.
No need for a deity or special place, just a simple act of thankfulness for what is right in front of us, can be the most profound spiritual act of your daily routine.
Taking a few moments of deliberate gratitude throughout the day, not just a part of your morning routine, brings back a more level-headed approach to live. When there is so much recognition of what there is to appreciate, there is less worry, less stress, less fear.
At no point and time, does this imply not thriving for more. The opposite is more the truth. In these moments of gratitude, we make space for more, more life, more kindness, more openness for ideas, a deeper focus.
When gratitude is chosen, the happiness it brings with it can be life changing. All we have to do is start with a simple “Thank you”.

I recommend the following books about Happiness and Gratitude


This blog post is a part of the following blog hops

Celebrate The Small Things
Thankful Thursdays by PepiSmartDog
Thankful Thursdays by Frog Lilypad
No Rules Weekend Blog Party
Monday of Many Blessings
Be Inspired

Disclaimer: The above post contains affiliate links, see Disclosure page for details.
Shop ALOHA Online

40 Things That Make Me Happy – And Why You Should Make a Happiness List, Too

40 Things That Make Me Happy

There are times in our lives when trying to remember those little things we usually enjoy, becomes a difficult feat. May it be, because we experienced loss, are suffering from depression, going through marital problems or have financial trouble, a list of things that make us happy, can remind us of what we have, and help us for a moment to create a more hopeful state of mind to work from.

Here are 40 Things That Make Me Happy  – No Matter What

  1. Hugs from my kids
  2. The excitement of my dogs, when I get home
  3. Coffee
  4. Thumbprint cookies
  5. Great, fresh bread
  6. the scent of rain
  7. Ducks upon a pond
  8. the sound of a horse breathing
  9. Drama television shows
  10. a good romance novel
  11. getting a text message from a friend
  12. online banking
  13. blog groups and link ups
  14. taking pictures
  15. designing/creating/working on a piece of my art
  16. warm socks
  17. flannel sheets
  18. hibiscus tea
  19. the sound of birds in the trees
  20. spring time
  21. black and white photography
  22. inspirational quotes
  23. flowers
  24. the theater
  25. a fresh, new notebook to fill with ideas
  26. typing “The End” after a long short story, or a book
  27. Jared Leto (yes, I am weird, lol)
  28. being “cleaned” by my cat
  29. A comfortable sofa
  30. Nutella
  31. a smooth-writing pen
  32. Irish Dance
  33. traveling
  34. German chocolate
  35. strawberry cheesecake
  36. Happy Endings in stories
  37. thick, white snow
  38. trees
  39. squirrels eating peanuts
  40. my dog barking in her sleep

What do you have on your list? Why not create your own post and share it with us in the comment section below!


Check out the following journals for your gratitude and happiness lists:

Flower Power, Ivy by Sophie Gamand
Flower Power, Ivy by Sophie Gamand

from: Redbubble

Nine by fioski
Nine by fioski

from: Redbubble

Caterpiano by Jorge Lopez
Caterpiano by Jorge Lopez

from: Redbubble

Combine Power Posing With Belief Altering Activities

(Disclaimer: The following post contains affiliate links. Check Disclosure page for more information)

Combine Power Posing With Belief Altering Activities

So you are interesting in creating a better future for yourself, utilizing the principles of Law of Attraction and co-creation. Then you are already aware of the fact that you need to change some of your beliefs that are limiting you, and are indicated via a negative feeling, in order to manifest your desired result.
Yet, seems harder than it sounds after actually trying to implement these new beliefs, and make them stick. Old behaviors and patterns tend to return after a few days of practice, even though your intent was to make a lasting change.

We receive exactly what we expect to receive - John Holland

How can we change that from happening?

One example is to combine the practice of intentional power posing with the life-affirming actions of thought control via affirmations and mantras.


Far & Wide Collective
This means in practice, that throughout a practice session, which ideally should happen three times a day for about 10 minutes, but at a minimum during your morning routine for 10 minutes, one assumes a power pose. You can use any powerful stance you like, as long as you stand up straight, with your chin high and your eyes forward, shoulders rolled back, and not slouched. For more information on power poses, you can watch Amy Cuddy’s video here, I especially like the pose she calls “Wonder Woman Pose”. After holding this position for two minutes, sit comfortably but again in a powerful position, meaning straight, with your feet on the ground, and in an upright, not slouched position, and repeat your chosen affirmations, or mantras, as you would usually.

At this time, you are now integrating this new belief, while being the physical and chemical state of powerfulness. The most instantly noticeable change is, that your feelings will be of a more positive nature, than if you just practiced from a standard position. In the long-run you will feel overall more powerful, and open to your new beliefs with a more lasting, effect. A powerful place from which to become an effective co-creator.


Have a wonderful day!

Coloring Books to Relax

Friday Gratitude: Family, Friends and Favorites

Friday Gratitude: Family, Friends and Favorites


This blog post  contains affiliate links. See my disclosure page for more information

Do you have an attitude of gratitude? If you do, congratulations. If you are still wondering how to get one, and you own your own blog, I suggest partaking in the many wonderful blog hops that foster weekly listing of gratitude. Just check out the following list of blog hops that happen every week, connect with us, via their link and post your very own list!

What am I grateful for this week?
I am grateful for having such supportive and well-behaved children. Both of them are kind, loving and self-disciplined individuals who are slowly growing toward adulthood. I am proud to be their mother.
I am grateful for my husband, who work hard to make sure that no matter what happens, everyone is taken care off. He was not given anything by anyone, rather often neglected as the youngest in his needs and pursuits, yet he is the one with a thriving family. That is a testimony to his strength and commitment to us.
I am grateful for all of the friends I have had along the way. The friends who were there to laugh and cry along with me, some of whom are far away, as we have moved and traveled not only throughout this great country, but also overseas. We made connections as far as Europe and as close as Las Vegas, and we cherish every single one of them. Oh, and I should not forget to mention those who I count as friends, even though we never met in person – from a Wedding Organizer in Dubai to a Kindle Publishing Writer in India.

I am grateful for my favorite things: coffee, thumbprint cookies, enthusiastic dog licks, vegan chocolate peanut butter, hiking shoes, flannel bed sheets, soft blankets, and books, always books.
What and who are you grateful for this week? Share in the comment section below, post your own blog post, and link up with us, or write it in your journal. Whatever you choose to do, be grateful!
This blog post is also a part of the following blog hops:

Reading And Taking Action

Do You Implement What You Read?

Many of us have a to-read list for the months ahead. But you merely read or do you implement?

To me, reading lists and book implementation lists are two different things. A reading list is a book list of stories I read to entertain me. They do not necessarily have to be fiction to do so but are more likely to be. Those are the books that I approach with a different mindset than those on my implementation list.

Now, what is an implementation list, and what are these books?

Those books are volumes that I read with the intent not only to learn from them but with the direct intent to take at least one of the points presented and to actively try them out. I seek out these books because I want to learn something, but learning is not enough, it is doing that creates the results. And because I am living in a growth mindset (more on that another time), I am approaching these books with the up-most intend to take an active part from the lessons held within.

For a long time, I was like many people I know – I read, a lot (okay more than the average person), but I never truly followed through on the lessons presented before me. It was easy to say how interesting a particular chapter was but was it enough to change what I was doing, or add a new active perspective into my life? Not really. The truth is, that I meant to take these action, but never followed through.

“Always strive to be better than you were yesterday.” – Tom Bilyeu

But I made a promise to myself that this is no longer an option. If I read a book that has repeatable actions within them, and that I chose to learn something from – may it be because I read a review, found them on a list of a person whom I admire (like this list by Quest Founder Tom Bilyeu), or because its premise leads me to believe that there was value within the covers, I will take at least one of those actions and practice them. Now, I am not expecting to do that if I find myself in the middle of the book and it does not resonate with me at all, of course, but I will do this more often than not, and because I am already picky about what I add on my reading list, which is ever growing, that should not be a problem. Which brings me to my questions for you:

Which book have you read in the last year, and actually implemented something from it – may it be in your personal life, or in your business adventures? What made you take these actions, and why did you pick up this book in the first place?

As we are approaching the middle of January, I am in the middle of implementing some of the goals I have set for the year. I have been lucky to have been encouraged to create some more motivational designs over the last few weeks, and I am especially happy about my notebook collection that ranges from themes of courage to sharing your thoughts with those you love. So check out my truly unique custom notebook collection here. Absolutely, a reason to be grateful. 

It is my pleasure to serve you, so if you have any suggestions about notebooks and journals you want to see in the future, please let me know. I also accept custom orders – and can combine my art with specific messages for you. Simply drop me a line at claudiablanton@live.com or leave me a comment below.



Have a wonderful week!


Far & Wide Collective Home Decor Collection


This post is a part of the following blog hops

Thankful Thursday at Pepis Smart Dog

Thankful Thursday Link Up 

No Rules Blog Party 

Reasons To Be Cheerful

Be Inspired

5 Resolutions You Should Keep – Even If You Don’t Keep Any Others

Every single year, people make resolutions. And every single year those resolutions fail for too many. Instead of making resolutions, I want to suggest a few positive habits to add to your life. You can still call them New Years Resolutions – or you can call them your Intentions for 2016. Whatever sentence feels better to you.

1. Give Yourself Permission To Walk Away

2. Be Kind To Everone

3. Invest In Yourself


4. Forgive Yourself

of your body (4)


I am wishing you all a wonderful and blessed 2016!


The above post is a part of  the following blog hops:

No Rules Weekend Blog Party

Amaze Me Monday

Inspire Me Wednesday


Gratitude And Tea


It is really cold out there! Perfect time to sit indoors, with a hot cup of tea, a couple of cookies and in front of the computer, contemplating.

I am always contemplating on what-to-do-next. While this habit leads me to be goal oriented, it also has the downfall of creating anxiety, especially when not everything goes they way it was planned, or when the list becomes so large that it is overwhelming.

So taking my time to stop, make myself a cup tea, and focus on gratitude is not only a good idea but a necessity. Exactly that concept of mindfulness and the fact that I need to be mindful in order to function with clarity changed the direction of the book I am working on. Which brings me to the first thing, I am grateful for – the progress I am making with my tea book.

Working title “Happy Tea”, this book demanded to take on a different direction this week, completely unexpected. I thought I would write a book featuring tea traditions, rituals and recipes, but the Universe had something else in mind. Instead, I will focus on the mindfulness of tea, the connection of this beverage within meditation, gratitude and positive living. It seemed like this aspect of tea would serve you better. There are many wonderful books out there, who focus upon the technical aspects of the subject, so I can focus on this direction.

Another thing I am grateful for is the holiday season is almost over.  Yes, celebrations are nice, but they also mean extra work, so I am looking forward to having more time to write.

I am grateful that my daughter gets to see Star Wars with her boyfriend tonight. I am not a fan, but they are, so I am happy for them. I am sure they will have a great time.

I am also grateful for the decorations I have been seeing in the neighbourhood.While people do not seem to decorate as much here as in Tampa, the few who have did a great job. Almost made me want to join in. Then I looked at my to-do list and decided to just enjoy everyone else’s decor instead.

What are grateful for this week?

How do you deal with the holiday stress?



This blog post is a part of the following blog hops:

Celebrate The Small Things

Reasons To Be Cheerful

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday Link Up



Planning, Goals, Progress and Coffee

If you were coming over for coffee, I would greet you with a hug and some chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven. It has been a while since I posted on this blog, but I have been pretty busy. The fact that my computer has a nasty virus did not help either.

December is usually my busiest month, not only do both of my children have birthdays, and of course, there are the holidays, but it is the time where business picks up, and also the time to plan for the next year.

Which is exactly what I am working on this weekend: Goal and Action Plan for 2016.

I don’t believe in New Years resolutions. Of course, they can be beneficial, but why wait until a particular time to make a change? Yet I do plan the year, but not in a resolution kind of way.

There are overall goals to work out – that has to be the first step, never forgetting that there has to be a why, a reason behind each goal, otherwise, I am fully aware that I will not follow through on it.

Willpower can carry you far, reasons will carry you further.

Then there are the monthly goals – smaller steps that together build the picture of a successful year. Those are flexible, meaning, I can adjust those goals throughout the year to fit the progress I am actually making. The trick is to set these goals high, but not so high that they are not attainable. Otherwise,  the frustration of not reaching them will keep me from going further.

Next are tangible action steps. I ask myself, what do I need to learn to make this happen? How much time am I willing to invest into this goal? What do I need to do to see progress? Those answers will be based on the overall goal and the monthly  goals.

This leaves me with a framework for the entire year.

What I am questioning this year is about how public I should make these goals, and when. I have seen many bloggers and marketing experts, who put all of their goals and their achievements out there – that is wonderful, as it motivates me. But being an artist first, a creative, who might not see monetary results in such a profound way every month – while other months soar – I am not sure, I am going to do that yet. What do you think? How public do you make your goals?

If you were here with me, I would tell you that another year end practice I enjoy and intend to employ this year:

Expressing my thanks to those who inspired me.

Now, some of these people – some of whom are famous, some are very successful might never respond to my email, Facebook message or tweet, but some might (hey, I have had Brendan Brazer, the creator of Vega, and the author of Thrive, acknowledge my tweet the other day, where I was praising his mission, products and words), but that is not the point. It does not matter how successful you are, I am sure that it can not be a bad thing to hear something positive from someone who learned from you, or was inspired by you. Spreading a little kindness through expressing gratitude at the end of the year – and throughout the year benefits the receiver as much as the giver. It simply feels good all around.

So these are the questions I have for you this week:

Do you plan your year? Do you make resolutions? If you do, what steps do you take to allow yourself a better chance of success? And, how public do you make these goals and plans?

I am looking forward to hearing from you!

I hope you enjoyed the cookies. I enjoyed your company as always

Much love




This blog post is a part of the following blog hops

Celebrate The Small Things

Weekend Coffee Share

Thankful Thursdays

Thankful Thursdays 2

No Rules Weekend


Disclaimer: The above blog post contains affiliate links.


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