Take 2 Steps Toward Success – Learning And Taking Action

Take 2 Steps Toward Success-Learning And Taking Action.

A willingness to learn new things is the first step to success. The second step  is to turn what you have learned into actions. 

Finding information and the willingness to learn new information is important, even if it can be overwhelming. Thanks to the internet, and instantly available ebooks, there are not many true excuses anyone can have for not finding the answers to a problem you have. There are facebook groups, forums, and networks on just about every subject. Peer support is a click away, courses on every subject are available, in many instances those are free. Gathering information is time-consuming, yet easy and possible.

Taking action, however, even if they are laid out in front of you, in workbooks, course assignments, daily assignment threads, or action prompts are often ignored, or “postponed” until a later time. I have heard so many excuses, real or imagined why someone could not follow through upon what they learned – from, lack of time to kids, to other responsibilities. Yet, we find time to talk about our favorite television shows, follow our favorite sports team, or leave comments on funny youtube videos.

If you want success you have to take both steps. Take 2 Steps Toward Success-Learning And Taking Action. (1)

There are no short-cuts around that fact – no one will learn what you need to learn for you, and no one will turn off that television or gaming console that distracts you from taking action. YOU have to make that commitment, YOU have to make that choice, between continued stagnant existence or success. Those two steps are the prize you have to pay, in order to become the person, I know you want to be.

Take those two steps and you will find, that the harder you work for your success, the less competition you will come in contact with. You see, too many choose the couch, the video game, the excuses, leaving a lot of opportunities open for those who are willing to work for it. They choose convenience over success.

Which one will you choose?



P.S. If you are interested in growing now, and taking action now, join me at Wealthy Affiliate Network for free. Taking the first step to creating a first-rate online presence takes knowledge which can be sometimes elusive and confusing. Wealthy Affiliate has created free step-by-step lessons on how to build a website, how to find your niche, how to create great content and more. With incredible peer support, you can ask for as much or as little help as you need. What are you waiting for? Join now! 



When The Student Is Ready, The Teacher Appears

When the student is ready, the teacher appears

I have been lucky to find and learn from many teachers, who would probably not consider themselves such. People who are successful and empowering in their own way, and many from very different backgrounds, careers, and interests.

Every once in a while some of these teachers choose a platform to connect, and to give their knowledge openly and
for many to see. This May, many of these teachers have decided to give some of that knowledge for free – to all of us via the exciting platform: Creative Live.

Dream Big

This month, the learning platform Creative Live will share with us a motivational and inspiring video every day, featuring
the most interesting, creative and innovative people of our time.

Richard Branson
Jared Leto
Seth Godin
Arianna Huffington
Brene Brown
Marc Cuban
and more…

This is just a small portion of the people participating. I know that I am excited to experience these interviews – which can
be watched throughout the day and month at your leisure – and see what I can learn from them. These are all Greats in their field, from Academy Award Winners, and Guinness Book Record Holders, to self-made billionaires.

Jared Leto quote

Throughout this month, I will be posting about the most profound lessons that I have learned from this video series. I hope
you will join me here, and on the Creative Live platform for profound insights, that might be exactly the information
you need to reach your goals and dreams.

Remember, this is completely free – sign up here – the series begins tomorrow, May 1st! 

Question: Which person on the list are you the most excited about watching this month? Share your favorite in the comment section.

I am looking forward to hearing from you

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Empowered Blessings!


Tea Leaf Reading Symbol Dictionary: W Is For What’s Next

A To Z BloggingChallenge-A Is For...Tea Leaf ReadingSymbols (25)


As we are getting closer to the end of the series of our April Blogging Challenge “Tea Leaf Reading Symbol Dictionary”, the question of what will be our posting schedule like is on the mind of many who participated. Will you continue to write every day? Or will you take the lessons you have learned from this blogging challenge, and implement them throughout your blogging year?

Here are Avalon Media, I am beginning to formulate a plan for the next few months, one that I had already had in place, but had to be replaced, due to the many occurrences of the last few weeks and month – my Mother’s death being one of them. The tieing up all of the matters associated with such loss, while not being in the same country, heck the same continent has its challenges and takes a toll on our entire family.

So, now it is time to take a moment and ask: What next?

Here is a rough outline of the plans for this blog, books, and courses coming up over the next few months and weeks. While some of the content is the same as I had spoken about earlier, the timeline has completely changed.

  1. I will be releasing two books about tea. One I have spoken about “Happy Tea”, has been pushed toward the end of the year, while the book on Tea Leaf Reading, will be pushed forward, with a release date of mid-June.
  2. There will be another book in between those two, one which is currently in the developmental stages, about Positive Co-Creation for creative people.
  3. I am in the development of a course for Print-On-Demand/Product-On-Demand Designers, specifically, those working with Zazzle and RedBubble. This course will be available sometime after August – I will keep you updated, during the development.
  4. This blog will be moved toward WordPress.org within the next two months. I had tried to move it to a platform called Wix earlier this year, and that website builder did not serve my needs. I am working with Wealthy Affiliates to set up hosting there, and once I have learned everything I need  to navigate there, it will be moved. For those who are wondering what Wealthy Affiliate is – I will be writing about them in the near future. (It’s really cool!)

This is as far as I can plan right now. Once everything has settled within our family (which will also include our move to California – which I will share with you here), there will be more to announce, but that is it for now.

What are your plans for the upcoming months for your blog/business?

Now lets, get back to our Tea Leaf Reading Symbols for today:

Letter W:

Wagon: things are about to get better

Wall: There is something blocking your way. Depending on the thickness of the wall, deepens on how much resistance you can expect

Wasp: Not a good sign. Someone’s gossip or words will cut you deeply.

Wedding Cake: A quite literal sign that indicates a quick engagement and a favorable marriage

Wheel: If it is intact, it is a sign of good fortune, if it is broken, then you can expect financial trouble

Windmill: You are hopeful about your situation and endeavor. That is to be encouraged. Good for you

Window: is it open? You are receiving good news and conversation. Is it closed? You are disconnected from others, and you may experience some embarrassment of some kind

Witch on a broom: someone you know disapproves of you getting a reading, or of anything related to magick, divination or new age spirituality. They will be persuaded by good results. ( I spell  Magick with ck in order to distinguish the Craft of Creating Change from the Slight of Hand which would be spelled with a g)

Women: Watch the other symbols with it closely. They add negativity to an overall disappointing reading.


I am glad you took the time to spend with me today. I am looking forward to hearing from you – blessings!


4 Gemstones And Crystals For Stress Relief

4 Gemstonesand Crystals forStress-Relief

Disclaimer: The following post contains affiliate links – see disclosure page for details

It is hard to escape stress – our busy lives are filled with times of hustle, responsibility, and multiple goals, that are begging to be followed through upon. Any tool that can aid us in managing the stress – and through that the negative health implications of chronic stress – is a welcome tool in my book.

While I think that mindfulness, meditation, gratitude, and affirmations are the essential tools of an overall less hectic lifestyle, gemstones can also aid us in unexpected ways on this journey.

I have compiled 4 of my favorites here for you today:


This beautiful stone balances emotions when kept in close proximity to a person, or centered in a space that tends to experience a lot of energy and “traffic”, especially when multiple people frequent the room. Its calming influence is a good fit for an open office space, a principle’s office, or the kitchen.

Rose Quartz:

A warm, pink stone, that aids in emotional healing. Let’s face it: Stressful situations can bring up responses that can stem from past trauma, leaving our responses more controlled by what happened in our past, rather than what is happening right now. Rose quartz can give you healing in that regard, making it easier for you to respond to the current situation and not a fear from long ago.

Red Garnet:

No matter how much we wish it was not the truth, we all allow our temper to get the best of us, at least on rare occasions. Red Garnet is the stone to carry when you need to calm your anger – this can be particularly helpful when you are entering a hostile business meeting or are dealing with a co-worker or boss who adds to your daily level of stress. Rub it between your fingers whenever you feel the need.



This beautiful dark blue stone is a communicator and allows you to express yourself and your needs with more clarity. Stress can be created by not feeling heard, or not knowing how to make your needs known to others. Carrying this stone, which has a healing effect on our throat chakra, can aid you with this task. It is most effective when carried as a necklace.


Check out the following book on the subject:

Crystal Healing Energy by Mary Solomon

available on Amazon on Kindle and as Paperback






You can find gemstone jewelry here:



How to Find Energy to Follow Your Dreams Despite Chronic Illnesses – 4 Tips

(Disclaimer: The following post includes affiliate links. Opinions and experiences are my own)

Chronic Illness and Energy

Living with chronic illness does not have to be the end of your dreams. In fact, it can be the motivating factor to do more, to live a better life, to take better care of yourself and those who you love. It is all about making the choice of what you want to do with what is given to you.

I speak from experience. I have hypothyroidism, chronic anemia, partial deafness, and various allergies while my daughter has a severe form of a  chronic tic disorder – which leaves her often in pain from involuntary muscle spasms, as well as allergies. Despite that, we do not let this stop us from following through with our dreams and goals. While it might take a little more effort, planning, and motivation to follow through, it also gave us an opportunity to test our resolve and find ways to make things happen, no matter what is in our way.

Here are four tips on how to find the energy to follow through with your goals, despite chronic illnesses

  1. Exercise – exercise (of course done under the supervision of your medical health professional) releases endorphins, powerful chemicals in your brain that energize your spirits and make you feel good.
  2. Meditate – I know sitting in silence does not necessary sound like something that will give you energy, but it is amazing to find how energized, relaxed and stress-free you will feel when you begin adding a regular meditation routine to your life. Not only does it have a positive affect on your overall health, and therefore, whatever chronic condition you have, but it also gives you a positive, relaxed state of mind, which makes it easier to focus, an essential tool when you are trying to achieve a goal and stay motivated.
  3. Eat right – that is a given. Whatever your dietary needs are to make your illness more comfortable or maybe even go into remission, follow through with it. No one can feel energized on a junk food diet. Remember what you put in, is what you get out. That goes as much for your work as it goes for your body and health.
  4. Create rituals – a well thought out morning and evening ritual can assist you throughout your day. It is a lot easier to stay focused and motivated if you are following a carefully constructed routine, that prepares you for the upcoming daily activities. Tailor those rituals to fit your individual illness or disability, and if necessary, enlist help to get it set up.

Check out the following book on the subject for more information:


How To Live Well With Chronic Illness and Pain by Tony Bernhard

available on Amazon

How To Be More Patient – 5 Tips

How to Be MorePatient - 5 Tips.jpg

Disclaimer: The following post contains affiliate link, see disclosure page for details

If you are working on a big project, are following through with action steps toward your goals, or when you are in need of
change that just does not seem to happen, you need patience. Patience in those hard times is often a hard thing to have, yet with the practice of the following 5 steps, you can be patient, even during those trying times.

1. Examine your schedule. Are your expectations for when things are to be done realistic? Have you given yourself enough time to truly finish the task at hand (or have given others enough time to follow through)? If you adjust your schedule to a more realistic approach, anger and frustration often disappear on their own. I can understand, wanting to set tight deadlines, but there is only so much work that can be truly done within a certain time frame. Be mindful of that, when you set your schedule.
2. Make those deadlines concrete. Once you know that you have arranged your schedule to a workable timeline, stick with it. Work on only the projects that need your attention now, and are to be completed first, rather than going back and forth between ideas. Even if it might seem at times tedious work to do, to take action steps on the same project every day, you will get more done in the long run.
3. Recognize the partial wins and celebrate them. Instead of waiting for the project or projects to be completed, allow yourself some celebratory moments for milestones within that project. Not only will that reinforce your patience to make it all the way to the end, but it also shows you how much you have already accomplished, a feeling that can give you the continued motivation to stick with your goal
4. Allow yourself some time during the day where you can rest – may it be by drinking a cup of tea, or going for a walk, or meditating. Clearing your mind not only will give you a better perspective on the tasks at hand, you will feel more refreshed, and ready to concentrate efficiently on your project
5. Use affirmations – either memorize or write them on a little index card that you can take with you in your purse or pocket.
Affirmations repeated often can have a stress-reducing effect, especially when you feel that you are about to loose your patience.
Try the following affirmations or write your own:

  • I choose to be patient with and kind to myself today
  • My patience is an attribute
  • I have much patience and understandingI possess deep patience
  • I now have the patience I’ve admired in others
  • Today I stay patient through all things
  • I have patience to spare
  • I find the time to be patient today
  • I am the epitome of patience
  • I am patient with myself and others today
  • I am patient with allowing myself to forgive myself
  • I am patient with my lack of patience
  • I remain patient in all areas of my life today

Source: The Book of Affirmations (Sharon Elaine)

Extra tip: Try some adult coloring books as a relaxation and stress-reduction tool:

Adult Coloring Book: Relaxation Templates for Meditation and Calming (Volume 1)


Have a wonderful day!


Terracotta Composting 50-Plant Garden Tower by Garden Tower Project

17 Little Tips To Boost Your Brainpower

(Disclaimer: The following post contains affiliate links, see discloser page for details)

Tips To Boost Your Brain Power

Sometimes it is the little adjustment that yields the most desired result. Which is the reason I compiled this list of little tips on how you can boost your brainpower with a relative little, or minimal effort.
Some of these might sound silly at first, but are proven to make your focus, determination, and workflow easier. Try them out for yourself!


1. Write down the random thoughts and ideas that come to mind, and put them into a file to get back later. The key action here is not to take any actions upon them, rather just collecting them.
2. Turn your phone to silence
3. Utilize Pocket for saving articles and videos to watch later
4. Sit by a window
5. Limit meetings to 15 minutes
6. Create a “stop doing” list
7. Focus on one project/action at a time
8. Automate as many tasks as you can
9. Celebrate small wins
10. Keep a done list
11. Smile at yourself in the mirror
12. Change to a more powerful stance/sitting position
13. Analyze which time of day you do your best work and schedule your most important work then
14. Utilize project managing apps like Nozbe
15. Delegate
16. Use a dictation app
17. “Read” audiobooks at 2X speed, do the same with Youtube videos and lectures.


Have a blessed day!


Reading And Taking Action

Do You Implement What You Read?

Many of us have a to-read list for the months ahead. But you merely read or do you implement?

To me, reading lists and book implementation lists are two different things. A reading list is a book list of stories I read to entertain me. They do not necessarily have to be fiction to do so but are more likely to be. Those are the books that I approach with a different mindset than those on my implementation list.

Now, what is an implementation list, and what are these books?

Those books are volumes that I read with the intent not only to learn from them but with the direct intent to take at least one of the points presented and to actively try them out. I seek out these books because I want to learn something, but learning is not enough, it is doing that creates the results. And because I am living in a growth mindset (more on that another time), I am approaching these books with the up-most intend to take an active part from the lessons held within.

For a long time, I was like many people I know – I read, a lot (okay more than the average person), but I never truly followed through on the lessons presented before me. It was easy to say how interesting a particular chapter was but was it enough to change what I was doing, or add a new active perspective into my life? Not really. The truth is, that I meant to take these action, but never followed through.

“Always strive to be better than you were yesterday.” – Tom Bilyeu

But I made a promise to myself that this is no longer an option. If I read a book that has repeatable actions within them, and that I chose to learn something from – may it be because I read a review, found them on a list of a person whom I admire (like this list by Quest Founder Tom Bilyeu), or because its premise leads me to believe that there was value within the covers, I will take at least one of those actions and practice them. Now, I am not expecting to do that if I find myself in the middle of the book and it does not resonate with me at all, of course, but I will do this more often than not, and because I am already picky about what I add on my reading list, which is ever growing, that should not be a problem. Which brings me to my questions for you:

Which book have you read in the last year, and actually implemented something from it – may it be in your personal life, or in your business adventures? What made you take these actions, and why did you pick up this book in the first place?

As we are approaching the middle of January, I am in the middle of implementing some of the goals I have set for the year. I have been lucky to have been encouraged to create some more motivational designs over the last few weeks, and I am especially happy about my notebook collection that ranges from themes of courage to sharing your thoughts with those you love. So check out my truly unique custom notebook collection here. Absolutely, a reason to be grateful. 

It is my pleasure to serve you, so if you have any suggestions about notebooks and journals you want to see in the future, please let me know. I also accept custom orders – and can combine my art with specific messages for you. Simply drop me a line at claudiablanton@live.com or leave me a comment below.



Have a wonderful week!


Far & Wide Collective Home Decor Collection


This post is a part of the following blog hops

Thankful Thursday at Pepis Smart Dog

Thankful Thursday Link Up 

No Rules Blog Party 

Reasons To Be Cheerful

Be Inspired

Best of Zazzle: Fitness

Need some extra motivation to stick with your Fitness resolution for 2016? Then you should really stop by Zazzle and check out what I found, that will make this year, your fittest year!

Have a wonderful week!


10 Journal Prompts To Start Your Year Off Right

Positive habits, like writing in our journal are a powerful way to increase happiness, reduce anxiety and to create focus. But what to write on a daily basis? While I suggest to always make a gratitude  list  a part of your daily journal routine, it does not have to, and should not be limited to that aspect of journal writing.

I have combined some powerful prompts for you, which you can use to expand your journal writing practice

10 Powerful Journal Prompts


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Because it is Friday, I am sharing with you, what I am grateful for this week:

1. A quiet and peaceful New Years eve. Surprisingly New Years in Las Vegas is tame compared to some other cities around the world I have been in. A pleasant surprise.

2. I met some really nice new neighbors. Very friendly people and my dogs seem to like them too.

3. There has been a lot more sunshine. Still cold, but at least, the sun is shining. I can deal with that.

Have a wonderful weekend!
