A To Z April Blogging Challenge Theme Reveal


Today, is the great theme reveal for next month’s A to Z Blogging Challenge! If you are asking yourself what I am talking about, then it is time for me to direct you toward the wonderful organizers of this month-long blogging event, that happens every year for more information. But if you want the condensed form of what I am talking about, its if the following.

For the month of April – with the exception of Sunday’s – participants pledge to blog about something, corresponding with the day’s letter, starting at A, working ourselves through the entire alphabet. Participants sign up here, and either decide to blog about random things that come to mind, or choose a theme.

Which brings me to today. Those of us who are choosing a theme, post a little bit about our chosen subject today. So, I am going to get right to it:

A to Z ChallengeTheme Reveal-Tea-Leaf ReadingSymbols (1)


Yup, I will write for the  entire month about Tea-leaf reading symbols, tea rituals, and related information. No worries to my regular readers, who might not be  interested in the subject, I plan on continuing my usual posting, in addition to the A to Z blogging challenge – even if that means I have to do double work.

Here is the schedule for each day of the A to Z Challenge, and it’s corresponding letter:

A to Z schedule 2

So are you planning on joining us for this adventure? If you are, are you choosing a theme this year? For those of you who are participating, leave your blog link in the comment section, so I can come visit you throughout the challenge!

See you soon!



Book Review: Delicious DIY Coffee Recipes That Will Impress

(Disclaimer: I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This post contains affiliate links, see Disclosure page for details)
Book Review: Delicious DIY Coffee Recipes That Will Impress and Bring Out the Home Barista In Everyone: The Home Barista Series: Volume 1 (Delicious DIY Coffee Recipes … In Everyone:The Home Barista Series)

Author: Cut To The Chase Media

Genre: Cooking, Beverages

Rating: 4/5 Stars

The unusual recipes absolutely sparked by attention, especially with ingredients like Nutella and KitKat, which – for a chocolate lover and coffee addict like me, is like a dream come true.
At 22 recipes, this book is way too short, though. From a cookbook, I expect a few more recipes. Also, while some people might like the fact that it has no fluff, it does not even contain any information about the Author, and barely an introduction.

Overall the concept and the recipes are great, and well thought through, but because it was so short, I was somewhat disappointed.

You also may like:

B130 DeskPro Coffee Maker
 my personal favorite machine, when I want a quick cup of coffee.

Time To Prep For The A to Z Blogging Challenge!

My A to Z Challenge Topic for 2016

Are you participating in the A to Z Blogging Challenge? If you have no idea what I am talking about, check out this website for more information on the Blogging Challenge for the month of April, that has many bloggers preparing ahead of time, contemplating their subject matter, and looking forward to connecting with the many (hundreds ) of bloggers participating each year.

In this challenge, we are called to write something about a particular letter of the alphabet starting with of course A and working ourselves through to Z. Not everyone chooses a topic, in my first two years of participating I did not either, but I began to do so last year, and will again this year.

Last year my  topic was Herbs and Spices, because of the release of my book “Mixing Spices”

This year, because I am working on a book about tea and mindfulness, I chose the topic “Tea Leaf Reading Dictionary”.

Every single day of the month of April, (minus Sundays, because we all take a break on Sundays for this challenge), I will be posting a few symbol meanings specifically for Tea Leaf Reading, including some tips and suggestions on how you work your own tea leaf reading sessions. I will also talk about symbolism in general and how this dictionary will relate to divining dreams as well, with a few tweaks and considerations.


I am so excited about this entire project. And because I love you guys and you all have been such amazing partners throughout this blogging journey for me, I am giving away the entire series at the end of the month as a PDF – just to say thank you.  There are more freebies to come in the coming weeks, so if you like free stuff (and who does not), come back often.

Oh, and for those of you who are not interested in Tea Leaf Reading and Tea, I will continue to post my regular stuff, like marketing tips for creative people, some design updates,  book reviews, motivational stuff, giveaways and product reviews.

A to Z Tea Leaf Reading April Blogging Challenge

After all, as a brand ambassador, NetGalley reviewer and a designer, I cannot and am not willing to neglect my regular duties, because of a mere challenge.

I am so looking forward to the crazy business.

At the end, an extended version of the PDF, which contains the  challenge content  will be made available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.


P.S. Don’t forget to stock up on Tea!

7 Sites To Promote Your Book Cheaply Or Free

7 Sites To Promote Your Book Cheaply Or Free.jpg

We all want our books to get good reviews, rank higher on Amazon and get the buzz going, no matter if we write non-fiction e-book or the next epic novel. Having a limited time free book promotion can help you raise your ranking on Amazon, and you can utilize the following book promotion sites to help you even further along. Exposure and traffic to your book will bring future sales, so take advantage of this type of book promotion.
Some of these require you to register, some offer premium services while others are a little selective and limited to a specific range of genre.

Check them out:

Awesome Gang 
Book Goodies
Free Book Dude 
Pixel of Ink
E-Book Hunter 
FK Books And Tips



Looking for some more info on the subject of cheap or free book promotion? Check out this book, available on Amazon right now: