Celebrating the Release of “A Darker Slice of Life” – Author Interview

A Darker Slice of Life - A Flash Fiction Collection

I am so exited about the release of my new book “A Darker Slice of Life”, and wanted to share with you the Smashwords’ Author Interview today.

SW: When did you first start writing?
I began writing relatively early in life, first re-writing my favorite novels into scripts at 11, than writing for screenplays for our drama club.Since then, I have been writing in both English and German, for my blogs, various publications as well as for my personal pleasure.
SW: What is the story behind your latest book release?
I began to write flash fiction as a form of personal challenge. I wanted to see if I could write a complete story within such a small space, and to my surprise I fell in love with this format. While I do still and always will enjoy the freedom to write longer stories and novels, I find the shortness of Flash Fiction freeing, and a wonderful exercise crafting a theme down to its essence.. It never stops to amaze me to read the depth of stories written in such small space.
SW: What motivated you to become an indie author?
One of the most important lessons I learned as a writer, is to know when to let go off a project. It was important for me to move from holding on to the stories I love, to sharing them with its intended audience. Being able to use smashwords as a vehicle to do so, was a freeing experience. While I am not against working with agents and publishing houses – to the contrary – I consider it a privilege to be a part of a growing community of Authors who considered the freedom of indie publishing as their home.
SW: What are you working on next?
My next projects are two of completely different format and subject matter. The first project is a horror script focusing on psychological terror rather than the gory kind, and a the stand alone novel I am currently working on is called “The Farm”, and is a paranormal suspense romance.
SW: Who are your favorite authors?
My favorite authors are Heather Graham, Kay Hooper, Dean Koontz, and Neil Gaiman. I am hooked on Kay’s paranormal series, which center around an FBI Unit with special abilities.
SW: When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?
When I am not writing, I am assisting my husband with running our growing business, as well as homeschooling our children. Of course, I can not forget to mention the rescued members of the household, two wonderful dogs, and a very patient cat.
( A Darker Slice of Life is available on Smashwords for only 99 cents! Buy it here now!)




The darkest night of his life started at his fridge, one lonely beer waiting for him, one he should never have.
In that moment of choice, one last moment of clarity he thought to call his Sponsor, but he had no more words left.
Tears, dried up, heart-broken, the loss and despair where too great to handle. All he wanted to do was to stop the feelings, better yet, to never feel again. And in order to complete that mission, he knew alcohol was his best ally.

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2014

This post was inspired by the Daily Prompt, which asked us to write anything, as long as it contained the words: dark, fridge, and tears.

I chose to write a Five Sentence Flash Fiction, as this is the type of Flash Fiction, I am currently focused on.

Gone To Soon – A Five Sentence Flash Fiction

Gone Too Soon

Gone To Soon

Their marriage had been over before it even had begun, a sham actually, it was never the real thing, never that what most girls would dream of, or what men would consider a blessing.
No, this was a front, a mixture of defiance and a vehicle to freedom from restrictions and expectations.
A potential place where a breathing room-  away from family expectation – could facilitate some growth.
Never consummated, never expressed, never closer than two people sharing space, two strangers wanting to taste what was possible.
But at the end, what surprised her most, was how much it hurt to stand next his grave, gone too soon.


Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2014

This Five Sentence Flash Fiction was inspired by this weeks prompt: “Marriage”. 


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Self-Determination – A Haiku

Self-Determination - A Haiku


no faith in the stars
destiny of our own make
creators of dreams

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2014


The last two days where were asked by Daily Prompt to write about Horoscope, first to create one, then to write our own from the past month. Which brought me to write the above Haiku, as well as the “horoscope” below:

Scorpio – Monthly Horoscope for the Month of October (and every month from now on)

This is a good month to do what every you choose to do. Make decisions based on your intuition and what feels right for your family. Be kind and considerate, show gratitude, and believe in your own dreams. If you follow this advice, you never have to read another horoscope again. You determine your life. Now stop reading horoscopes and follow your passion. You determine your future, not the stars.

That would be the horoscope I would write. 

Now go out there and live your dreams!

P.S. Two more days until the release of my Flash Fiction collection “A Darker Slice of Life”! I am so exited! Group hug to everyone who has been congratulating me all over social media, and to all of you whom have commented and read my flash fiction. You guys are awesome!


The Cure – A Spooktoberfest Post

The Curse - A Spooktoberfest Flash Fiction

The chill was deep and heavy, as she emerged out of her cocoon of blankets she had draped over herself, and moved toward the direction of the commotion not far from her front porch.
Ever since the new neighbors had brought with them three unruly teenagers, and many disturbing toys, the quietness of her weekend retreat was often broken. It did not matter how many polite visits, she or her fellow housemates made upon the threshold of the Millers, or how many times the other neighbors called the police. There was no stopping them, those who did not care for the rest of others, who in their short stay had managed to be topic of many discussions at the corner store. Like a bad virus, they where here to stay, but no one was happy about it.
A screeching, then a short scream, that sounded more of that of little girls, than young boys, followed by a quick curse-filled dash into their home, widen her grin and she nodded at the dark figures that emerged out of the thick shrubs.
The implementation of a cure had begun.

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2014

This post was inspired by the Spooktoberfest Blog Hop, which includes the following restrictions

  1. maximum word count 300 words
  2. include the following words: chill, cocoon, commotion, cursing, virus
  3. post by Oct. 28th 2014.

Check out the other participants of this Blog Hop and show them some love!

Progress – A Five Sentence Flash Fiction


“Is this a suitable warm environment for the youngest?”
Checking the thermometer, he nodded approvingly, answering swiftly: “You have done our cause well.”
“It is my pleasure to serve, the New Order, Sir.”
Looking behind them, the grey floor littered with bodies of those who rose against them earlier, in an ill-timed attempt to hinder progress, he allowed a rare smile to graze his lips.
“I am beginning to think, that we might still be able to get the point across, that change is inevitable, for all of us – with or without them alive.”

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2014


The Warrior

The Warrior - A Haiku

The Warrior

bend but never break
move forward no matter what
a warrior’s heart

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2014

Inspired by the Daily Prompt “Masks“, which asks us to remove our masks, and reveal how we are beneath them.

Just A Girl – A Flash Fiction

Just A Girl - A Flash Fiction

This was the worst, and scariest day of her short life, the day where everything would change, and nothing would ever be the same.
A slave to a custom, that never dared to ask what she wanted, her choices not relevant, her young age not an obstacle.
She was, after all, just a girl, her father’s property, for him to give away, so she could become the property of another.
A person, whom she had never met, and who would from now on, be the one deciding for her, where she could go, whom she could talk to, and to bare his children.
Pushing back the tears, she tried to smile through the delicate veil her Aunt put upon her, awaiting her new fate, as a wife.

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2014

This post was inspired by this weeks Flash Fiction Prompt: “Marriage” 



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