Tribute To A Legend – Leonard Nimoy

Tribute To A Legend  – A Haiku

inspired by your way
my heart aches now that you’re gone
live long and prosper


This is how I choose to remember the great Leonard Nimoy


In his own words:


I have known despair
I value hope

I have tasted frustration
I value fulfillment

I have been lonely
I value love

Leonard Nimoy

You will be missed!

The Crime Scene Cleaner – A Flash Fiction

The Crime Scene Cleaner - A Flash Fiction

It was not that Mr. Annar had forgotten to close his blinds as everyone had suspected, it was that he had dismantled the installation, making it impossible for anyone to block his view of the entire parking lot.
The central bay window was perfectly spaced, allowing him to take advantage of the lucky occurance of being the renter of P-91.
The friendly, lady with the three cats next door on the other hand was not so lucky.
Living next to someone shaken by paranoia, her gentle smile, directed toward him, cost her her life.
Watching both bodies leave in bags, Ben nodded at the detectives and officers, watching them leave one by one, until he was finally alone.
Sighing, he raised his head toward the ceiling at the bloody mess above, already regretting,that he gave his new employee the day off. Cleaning up here alone, would surely take all night.

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2015

The Forgotten

Flash Fiction

No one remembered The Forgotten, the outcasts, that were tossed from our society as if they were garbage, not human beings, who did nothing wrong.
Those people, hidden behind the deep walls that surrounded our cities, were simply different, not fitting in with the norm of prescribed standards of look or form.
Placed beyond the walls, to defend themselves, no one ever spoke of them again, no matter if they used to be friends, or where children.
Our fold had no place for them, but in the quiet, lonely hours just before dawn, comforted by the luxuries of our culture, I wept.

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2015

This post was inspired by this week’s Flash Fiction prompt “Forgotten”.

Book Review: Improve Your Memory Every Day

Improve Your Memory Every Day - A Review

Title: Improve Your Memory Every Day

Author: Robert Allen

Publisher: Pavilion Books

Release Date: February 16th, 2015

Genre: Non-Fiction Adult/ Self-Help

Rating: 3/5 Stars

The idea of the book is great, even the illustrations are kind of fun, but what turned me off about this book, is the tone of the Author which at times sounded condescending. That is a shame because the individual tasks and ideas to improve the memory are valuable, and easy to follow, with clear instructions and clearly defined objectives, even if they are nothing new. Because of this slight down talk and underestimation of the readers intelligence, I could never truly enjoy the book, not with the depth it deserved. Minor adjustments in wording, and approach could have turned this volume from a book I would not recommend, to one that would spark some interest.

The Future – A Flash Fiction

One day, not long from now, when we all have done the deeds that brought us to this point and time, we will be the forgotten ones.
When a war, we could have stopped, swallowed us whole, and the creation of more and more wasteful things, has taken over – the machine rising above men.
It is my sincerest wish, that this day will never come, but as I overlook what was once peaceful skyline of New York, streets burning, buildings crumbling, and people hurting each other over a slice of bread, I know we have already forgotten how to be human.

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2015

This post was inspired by this weeks Flash Fiction prompt : “Forgotten”.

Loss – A Haiku

Haiku: Cut Off

cut off from my life
passion never to unfold
frozen and alone

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2015

This post was inspired by today’s daily prompt: Cut Off

Here is what other bloggers wrote as a responds to this prompt:

Cut Off – A Flash Fiction

The Goldilocks Zone of Kindness

Two For The Price Of One

Better Late Than Never – Celebrate The Small Things

Celebrate blog hop

I am so behind on blog hops this week! But I think I have a reasonable excuse, considering that I have been writing up a storm. Besides working on reviews (thank you for everyone who has sent me copies of their work, I love you all, and will post the reviews soon), and writing on my own Fantasy series (not sure yet, it if would fit more into Urban Fantasy, or Dark Fantasy, well the books will help me discover how dark I am going to go with this), I have been slammed busy.Oh and we are planning for my daughter’s prom (her boyfriend’s prom, actually – we home school, so no actual prom here), a move, running our business, and yes, I got to edit a freaky little horror script I just finished writing.

I am utterly and happily grateful for all of the above! This might be crazy, but I actually like being busy. I did forget to mention, that I was chosen to lead the #MarWritingChallenge on Twitter! Yay! Basically the concept behind that is, that we encourage others that sign up to write at least 500 words per day, or edit their projects for one hour a day, and log their process for accountability. I am basically the lead-cheerleader on Twitter, but we do also have a Facebook group. I am so grateful to be a part of this! (for more info check out our main site

It has warmed up! Finally the weather resembles some kind of Florida spring – which supposed to mean, I am supposed to be sweating, and hiding by the air-conditioner. That has not happened until yesterday. I loved turning on the AC! Felt like winning. We can not complain here, because our weather was not marginally as bad as for the rest of the East Coast, but I am reveling in the warmth right now.

So, I hope you had a great week too. What did you guys do, and what are you grateful for?

P.S. I am also grateful that people I rooted for, won at the Oscars! Yay to winning!

The End Of Everything – A Flash Fiction

He scared me, with such a profoundness that I knew I would never be the same. Not that he was threatening, this fragile, old man with the broad rimmed hat, but his eyes, gazing at me with the intensitivy of a powerful personality, borred into my soul, and left a mark. His words, as broken as his body, where humblingly simple, yet held within them the moment I had been waiting for, dreading and hoping to never hear anyone say to me.
“It has begun!”

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2015

Impact – A Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction: Impact

One day can change everything. I had never appreciated that sentiment until this very moment. A breath, a glance, a decision, all actions that are fleeting, but their impact felt long after, creating waves of changes not to be taken lightly. Until now, standing here, in the midst of the thick, lushious lawn, feeling simutaniously at home and lost, I did not know the depth of this truth. But at the end, all that matters to me now, is that those decisions brought me right here – to you.

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2015

Her – A Flash Fiction

She wasn’t supposed to be here, hell she was not even supposed to be in this country, according to his sources, but even the best sources could get it wrong. His heart broke with every step she took toward him, knowing that, no matter what he would say, he could not explain away the pain he had caused her, the pain of him leaving her behind, even if it was to keep her safe.
Her eyes, fixed on his, dark with a deep well of emotions, he brazed himself for a tirade of screams, accusation, and yes, even a slap. But he never expected, that she would place her lips on his own.

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2015