10 Benefits Of Sweet Orange Essential Oil

10 Benefits Of Sweet Orange Essential Oil

I love the scent of oranges, so it is no surprise that sweet orange essential oil is my favorite essential oil. The benefits of sweet orange essential oils are vast and do not differ from the bitter orange essential oils also available on the market in its application.

What is the difference between bitter and sweet orange essential oil?

The difference lays in origin and preparation. While the bitter orange essential oil is derived from a hardy bitter orange tree’s fruit, via cold-pressed technique, while the sweet orange oil comes from a smaller tree, that surprisingly yields  larger fruit than the former tree. Because their chemical compound is almost identical, their therapeutic uses are no different, as I mentioned above.

There is however,  a third orange oil, the orange blossom oil, which has different uses. It is derived exclusively from the flowers of the bitter orange tree. Its therapeutic uses are for skincare, anxiety, stress and shock – via Aromatherapy.
I personally prefer the scent of the sweet orange essential oil.

Here is a list of ten benefits of sweet orange essential oils:

– mood-lifting
– relaxing
– helps in creating emotional and physical balance
– promotes detoxification
– used to clarify skin in skin care preparations
– Use several drops to the palm of your hands, and inhale for a more positive outlook
– Add several drops to bath water to calm the nerves, and enhance your immune system
– Add several drops orange oil to a clean damp washcloth and toss in the dryer to freshen your clothing, you can also add the oil to your homemade non-toxic laundry detergent.
– Add 10 drops orange oil and three drops peppermint oil to a spray bottle for a great non-toxic air freshener.
– Add orange oil to a diffuser in your office in order to ensure a calm working environment


Questions: What is your favorite essential oil, and what are your favorite ways to use it?

If you want to learn more about essential oils, check out bestselling book Essential Oils Natural Remedies: The Complete A-Z Reference of Essential Oils for Health and Healing by Althea Press 

How To Accommodate Different Food Tastes And Needs – 7 Tips

7 Tips On How To Accommodate Different Food Tastes And Needs (1)— This blog post contains affiliate links ——

We are a miss-matched family when it comes to our eating habits. My daughter has an illness that gets aggravated by some food additives, and she is a Vegan. My son is a vegetarian, my husband a dedicated meat-eater, but who needs to watch his blood pressure, and I, well I am healing my thyroid naturally – that means no soy or soy products, and a long list of other foods, including some veggies, I should and will not eat. (I wrote more extensively on my allowed and disallowed food list here) Oh, and my dogs are allergic to commercial dog food, so I cook for them as well. Tired yet? I am.

Making meals that all of us can enjoy is a challenge. My over-the-road truck driving husband, is thankfully cooking mostly for himself, when he is driving, making food prep at least meat-free. That leaves us three people and the three animals. Thankfully the cat can (and will) eat whatever I put in front of him.

So what do we do to make it all work?

1. We meal plan. Once a week, my daughter and I create a meal plan for our entire week. We have some go-to recipes, but are always searching for something new, and are not afraid to look at foreign language websites to get inspired. Which also makes for a great homeschool lesson.

2. We look for or I create our own recipes that are easily adjusted (from vegan to vegetarian, or the other way around). I have shared some of these recipes on this blog, and will share some more on occasion.

3. We communicate. There is no shame in speaking up and saying that one of us did not like a meal or an idea. Suggestions on how to make a meal easier or better are always welcome and openly encouraged. We are a team here.

4. We have meals, where we share our space but not the same meal. Use today, as an example. All three of us had Mexican food. My son ate a bean taco, my daughter a tofu,carrot and cabbage quesadilla, and I ate a Mexican style zucchini wrap. It was relatively easy to adjust for our individual tastes, and most importantly we still had a complete meal as a family. (My husband is currently driving over-the-road, otherwise, he would have joined us with a traditional taco)

5. We are not afraid to try new things. None of us are afraid to try new recipes, flavors, and techniques. The kids are used to our trial and error system, and will speak up when something did not work for them.

6. We do not expect perfection. I am not a Five-Star chef, and I did not grow up cooking vegan or even vegetarian meals. Because of that alone,I do not expect that every meal will come out as planned. Letting go of creating that perfect meal, made my life a lot easier, and cooking a lot more stress-free.

7. We use meal prep containers. I have a collection of meal-prep containers in different sizes, some with sections, others without. Not only do they make it easy for me to make meals ahead, freeze, and then reheat in the microwave, but they also make wonderful containers to prepare healthy snacks for each of us. Mine often contains a boiled, egg, veggies, and maybe some cheese, while my daughters will be filled with some nuts, veggies and an individual container of hummus.

I will introduce you to one of my recently acquired containers in more detail in an upcoming review soon, meanwhile, you can check them out on Amazon – Spoiler alert: They have a tight seal, and are wonderfully stackable, I love them! 

Question: How do you plan your meals? Do you meal prep? I would love to hear from you! Just leave a comment below!


A Deodorant For People With Aluminum Zirconium Sensitivity – Cruelty-Free And Vegan

A Deodorant For People With Aluminum Zirconium Sensitivity

——-This post may contain affiliate links – see disclosure page for details ——-

As many people who are allergic to certain product ingredients are aware of, it is often a hassle finding a product
you can safely use, one that does not leave bumps, redness, and itchy irritation behind. For a long time, that was my
major problem with commercial deodorants.

There are some wonderful folks on Etsy and various local shops that create perfect handcrafted beauty products for people like me, and while I am forever grateful to them, I am often left looking for another alternative after a shop closes,
or we move, which has happened rather frequently throughout the years.
So finding a deodorant that does not include Aluminum Zirconium or any other ingredient that I might have a reaction to,
and being able to order it from Amazon makes my life so much easier.

Natural Sea Spray Deodorant by Skin2Spirit  does not only fit my sensitivity needs, but is also cruelty-free, vegan, gluten-free, paraben free, and 100 % natural.

Instead, it contains the following wonderful ingredients:

All Natural DeodorantPurified Water, Organic Aloe, Magnesium Chloride, Witch Hazel (alcohol-free), Essential Oils and / or Natural Flavors / Scents,Glycerine, Potassium Sorbate, Silver Dihydrogen Citrate, Citric Acid (Vitamin C), Water
MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE OIL: Pure and natural from the Dead Sea, antiviral, antimicrobial, helps reduce odor from bacteria

ORGANIC ALOE: Moisturizer, emollient, and excellent for scars, burns, rashes, and dry skin.

WITCH HAZEL (Alcohol-Free): Soothing, natural astringent to help alleviate stinging for sensitive skin. Antibacterial & anti-inflammatory

ESSENTIAL OILS: Including Tea Tree, a natural antibacterial and anti-fungal solution from the Melaleuca tree

SILVER CITRATE / POTASSIUM SORBATE: When combined make a powerful broad spectrum
antimicrobial that helps stop odor in its tracks

I have been using this deodorant for more than a week now, and I am very happy with the result. I  must say, that people
who use natural deodorants for the first time – which is not the case for me – should expect a detox period, meaning that
it will take about two weeks before this deodorant or any natural deodorant will bring full the full effect you may
desire. This is normal and should not discourage you from making the switch – your skin and health will
thank you for making that decision.

I highly recommend this product for anyone with allergies and sensitivities to standard and mass-produced
deodorants, even more so if you are vegan, and want to live a cruelty-free lifestyle.

Disclaimer: This product was given to me at a deep discount in return for an honest and unbiased review. See the
disclosure page for more details.

Vegan Coconut-Curry Rice with Snap Peas

Vegan Coconut-Curry Rice With SnapPeasCurry, rice, and coconut are a inseparable stable in my kitchen, and especially when I am cooking vegan meals. With these simple ingredients, anyone can create a flavorful plant-based dish, that is healthy, filling and will satisfy even the
meat-eaters. I do not like bland food, and there is nothing bland about this quick, and cheap meal.


1 1/2 cups of rice (choose your favorite – for this dish I make it either with brown rice, or Basmati, depending on
what I have in the house)
3 cups of water
1/4 cup of raisins (optional)
1/2 cup of raw unsalted nuts (you can use walnuts, cashews or Almonds for this dish)
1 can of coconut milk
1 package (which is about two large handfuls of snap peas, trimmed)
curry powder, salt and pepper to taste


Prepare rice according to the direction on the package. Add the coconut milk, the snap peas, the raisins, nuts and
spices to a large pan, allow to simmer for 5 minutes or until the snappeas are tender. You can add as much curry powder
as you like, we like it a little bit more spicy, so we add more. It also depends on what curry you use.

Serve immediatly.


As I mentioned on my facebook page, and previous blog posts, Creative Live is conducting a free 30 Day Genius interview series, It began today, with Mark Cuban, the owner of the Mavericks, Multi-Billionaire, and a member of the Shark Tank television show. Today, he spoke about passion, hustle, out-working and out-learning others. If you have not signed up for this free series, that you can watch anytime, you should do so now. The list of the upcoming geniuses, artists and creatives is extensive and includes the most prominent in their  field. And best of all – it is totally free!

This blog post is a part of the following blog hops:

Making Monday’s Marvelous

Amaze Me Mondays

Family Fun Blog Hop

Farm Girl Friday

No Rules Blog Hop

Inspire Me Wednesday

Let’s Talk Mommy Blog Hop

When The Student Is Ready, The Teacher Appears

When the student is ready, the teacher appears

I have been lucky to find and learn from many teachers, who would probably not consider themselves such. People who are successful and empowering in their own way, and many from very different backgrounds, careers, and interests.

Every once in a while some of these teachers choose a platform to connect, and to give their knowledge openly and
for many to see. This May, many of these teachers have decided to give some of that knowledge for free – to all of us via the exciting platform: Creative Live.

Dream Big

This month, the learning platform Creative Live will share with us a motivational and inspiring video every day, featuring
the most interesting, creative and innovative people of our time.

Richard Branson
Jared Leto
Seth Godin
Arianna Huffington
Brene Brown
Marc Cuban
and more…

This is just a small portion of the people participating. I know that I am excited to experience these interviews – which can
be watched throughout the day and month at your leisure – and see what I can learn from them. These are all Greats in their field, from Academy Award Winners, and Guinness Book Record Holders, to self-made billionaires.

Jared Leto quote

Throughout this month, I will be posting about the most profound lessons that I have learned from this video series. I hope
you will join me here, and on the Creative Live platform for profound insights, that might be exactly the information
you need to reach your goals and dreams.

Remember, this is completely free – sign up here – the series begins tomorrow, May 1st! 

Question: Which person on the list are you the most excited about watching this month? Share your favorite in the comment section.

I am looking forward to hearing from you

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Empowered Blessings!


6 Raw Vegan Food Blogs You Should Check Out Right Now!

6 Raw Vegan Food Blogs You Should Check Out Right Now!

—- This blog post contains affiliate links, see disclosure page for details ——-

Happy Belated Earth Day!

Keeping  ourselves healthy, and taking care of the planet can be achieved  by being very selective about what we eat. I have written before about the reasons why raw vegan dishes are a great option for everyone, even if you are not going fully raw, or even fully vegan. During my search for recipes, I have come across quite a few wonderful blogs, 6 of which I want to share with you today. Enjoy!

Julie’s Raw Ambition – A beautiful blog, filled with recipes and some tips, like her recent post on gardening. Well written, and very informative.

Raw Loulou –  There are a lot of recipes to explore – and I mean a lot, from breakfast to snacks, you name it, you can find it here.

The Rawtarian – looking for more than just recipes, but a community who is willing to teach you how to explore this way of eating? Then the Rawtarian is right for you. There are beautifully photographed recipes of course, but there is so much more, so I would suggest that you make some time to dive into this great and large site.

Awesome To Be Rawesome –  confused by some of the ingredients that are asked for in vegan and or raw cooking? Check out Awesome To Be Rawesome for tips on how to use these ingredients to their fullest, and also join a community of people who are interested in the same. A great place to find advice and also wonderful recipes.

Raw On 10 – food and wellness – this beautiful site showcases how food can heal you, and that on a budget. What is not to love!

Sweetly Raw –  the site for raw vegan desserts. If you have a sweet-tooth, like I do, you really should check out this beautiful site. Imagine eating decadent sweets, that are actually good for you? Oh, yeah!

Feeling overwhelmed by all of the tools and gadgets you might need to make raw foods? Actually, you only need two to make most of the recipes you see on the above blogs. I highly recommend getting a high-speed blender (such as the Vitamix), and a good table top spiralizer.

Briefton 5 Blade Spiralizer Available on Amazon now!

While handheld spiralizers are fine for small jobs, I suggest getting a table top spiralizer. My favorite one is the Briefton 5 Blade spiralizer, which makes everything from curly fries (when not eating raw), to zucchini pasta (for those raw days). My favorite feature is how easy is is to clean – the entire thing is dishwasher safe, which is wonderful. It is quite big, once assembles ( the machine needs some assembling before your first use, but it is easy to put together – if I can do it, you can), but not big enough to be a nuisance. I would not want to be without it. But, as a parent I should warn you – this is not a kids toy – the blades are very sharp. Kids should be used to handling machines with sharp parts before using this spiralizer, and should be supervised.

(Disclosure: I have received the Briefton 5 Blade spiralizer for free in return for an honest and unbiased review).


A to Z Blogging Challenge – Tea Leaf Reading Symbol Dictionary: Letter O

———- This post may contain affiliate links —————

A To Z BloggingChallenge-A Is For...Tea Leaf ReadingSymbols (16)

Welcome back for another week of A to Z Blogging Challenge: Tea Leaf Reading Symbols Dictionary. This week begins with the letter O. But before we get started I want to share 10 quick facts about Oolong Tea – which is suitable for tea leaf readings – that you might not have known.

  1. Stabilizes blood sugar
  2. Alleviates skin problems
  3. promotes healthy hair
  4. Prevent osteoporosis
  5. prevents tooth decay
  6. strengthens the immune system
  7. aids digestion
  8. increases mental alertness and focus
  9. boosts metabolism
  10. lowers cholesterol.

These reasons alone should be initiative enough to make you add some more of Oolong tea into your daily regiment!

Let’s get to our Tea Leaf Reading Symbol Dictionary:

Letter O

Oaktree: symbol of strength and endurance. A powerful and positive symbol that speaks of strong relationships, wealth, and achievement. A prosper and abundant marriage

Oil-Can: You are worried and concerned about something

Onions: Hidden beneath some layers are secrets that need to be revealed. These secrets will bring some discomfort and sorrow.

Organ: Not a symbol that reads well on its own. Musicians will find this a positive sign, as it speaks of achievement in their field.

Owl: This is an unfortunate symbol. Do not expect any positive movement forward at this time. If the owl is flying grief is involved. Someone is speaking ill behind your back. If you are asking about a upcoming change, this symbol is a warning to be careful as you proceed.

Ox: Your house and home is filled with abundance and domestic bliss.

I hope you enjoyed today’s symbols. See you again tomorrow!

Tea-Lightful Blessings!


medium_Tea-Beauty-04Check out Aloha’s Beauty teas, and their free trial tea boxes today! No Coupon Code Needed for the free trial! Cancel anytime!

Also makes a great Mother’s Day Gift!

 ALOHA – Say Hello to Healthy Happiness

Meditation, Mindfulness And The Letter M: A to Z Blogging Challenge: Tea Leaf Reading Symbols

A To Z BloggingChallenge-A Is For...Tea Leaf ReadingSymbols (14)

Today, I want to show you how tea can become a part of a mindfulness and meditation practice. Tea ceremonies and rituals are a form of this meditation, but they do not have to be as elaborate as these. A simple, yet effective tea meditation is shown in the video below:

Letter M:

Magnet: An attraction that is to the point of irresistibility toward someone – but they will not be a good match

Magnifying Glass: Stop exaggeration the situations. You are drawn to and create drama. A bad habit that needs to be dropped.

Maltese Cross: A continued struggle, going from one place or situation of trouble, to the next situation or place that is just as much trouble.

Man: An unexpected visitor

Mask: there are some unknown factors that are about to be known to you. None of these factors will be pleasant so be prepared.

Meat: financial worry and trouble

Medal: A well-deserved reward is coming your way

Mice: someone is stealing from you. Watch your possessions.

Monk: spiritual upset or quarrel of some kind

I hope you enjoyed today’s tea meditation and symbols.


The Stone Tile Collectionho

Tea Leaf Reading Symbol Dictionary – Letter L – An A To Z Blogging Challenge Post

A To Z BloggingChallenge-A Is For...Tea Leaf ReadingSymbols (13)

This post may contain affiliate links

Matcha tea might be completely useless for tea leaf reading, but should be mentioned here anyway, not just because it
seemed to be a very trendy tea at the moment, but because it is rightfully so. With multiple health benefits, this green
powder is a powerhouse of the teas.

Here are just some of the health benefits of this tea. 

1. Improves mental alertness and clarity
2. Detoxifying
3. increases strenght of immune system
4. prevents and assists in bacterial, fungal and viral infections
5. assists with cardiovascular health
6. energy booster.

(Disclaimer: I am legally required to mention that Matcha tea has not been approved to treat any aillments by the FDA. Check with your health care professional for details)

What is exactly is Matcha Tea anyway?

Grown from the shade-grown tea leaf known as tencha, this green tea is powdered, and gets added to hot water while whisking it, creating a frothy type of beverage. Originally used for health purposes only, during it’s original time in China,
Japanese Monks realized the power of this wonderful tea, and cultivated the production of this type of green tea.

A word of caution
Matcha tea contains caffein, and also has been known to cause allergic reaction in some sensitive people. Also people with hypothyroidism should stay away from Matcha tea (as well as all black and green teas) due to its fluriod content.
Let’s get back to our daily dose of Tea Leaf Reading Symbol Dictionary! Today’s letter is L. Enjoy!

Letter L:


Ladder: Advancement. You are climbing up the ladder. Slow but steady process toward the successful end goal you are seeking.

Lamb: A surprising success is on its way. If you were doubting your path, it will become clear soon.

Lantern: A light shining through troubled times. Better times are on its way, just keep on going.

Leaves: Leaves speak of prosperity, as a result of your hard work and self-discipline. New connections and friends are on their way.

Leg: A motion forward.

Lettuce: Depression, and lack of energy

Lighthouse: A good sign of guidance, and reassurance. If the lighthouse is broken, do not trust the advice that was given to you – as there are troubled waters on the horizon.

Lightning: check out the location of the lightning in the cup. If it is anywhere but the bottom, it indicates bad weather, if it is on the bottom of the cup it indicates property and personal damage due to weather. Next to a human figure means that electrical problems and dangers are related to that person.

Lion: A very positive symbol of prosperity and power. You are about to enter a positive season of your life. If you are looking for recognition, it is on its way.


If you are looking for a high-quality Matcha tea  you can trust and enjoy, check out this Organic Matcha by Kiss Me Organics. A very high-quality green tea powder that is USDA organic certified, and has a strong, welcoming flavor, that Matcha tea should have. I love that  it is also guaranteed to be non-gmo, is vegan, and simply delicious. I am a fan of Kiss Me Organic products, and this Matcha tea is no different. Try it out! Available on Amazon now!

(Disclaimer: I was given Organic Matcha by Kiss Me Organics for free in return for an honest, and unbiased review).

4 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Raw Meals

4 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Raw MealsThis post contains affiliate links – as well as a vegan raw food recipe, so read all the way to the end!

I do not limit my diet to a particular lifestyle, may it be raw vegan, or otherwise, but rather optimize my food that fits my life, and health the best, as long as I eat 95 % clean. I do however add quite a few vegan raw food recipes into my diet, and that of my family with very diverse eating habits (my daughter is vegan, my son vegetarian, and my husband is on a diet to prevent blood pressure issues, while being neither). The raw food diet though, is a concept I have been familiar with since childhood, growing up in Germany. Rohkost or raw food meals were used to treat certain ailments, or just simply made as  a part of our meals. At least, is was in our family.

The cool thing is, that you do not need anything fancy to start incorporating raw meals into your diet, even though many recipes can call for spiralizers and special high-speed blenders. While these are all good to have, for those who want to start out, they are not something you need. Your normal everyday tools  appliances can get you started just as well.

So why should you try to get more raw food recipes and meals into your diet?

1. The nutrients and vitamins stay intact.The main benefit of eating raw is that the nutritional integrity of the food you are preparing stays intact. Cooking foods can  ( and usually does) destroy some of those vitamins, minerals and all of the good stuff you are trying to bring into your diet, by eating more veggies in the first place. None of that occurs when preparing your meals raw.

2. There is no long meal prep.  Most raw meals are rather quick and easy to prepare. So it is easily possible to prepare an entire meal for your family within ten minutes. How cool is that!

3. It is very portable. A bento box full of veggies, and prepared sauces or dressings is a very portable meal, that does not require a microwave or a stove to be enjoyed. Raw meals are perfect for the office, and can be just as balanced as a cooked meal if planned correctly.

4. Increased focus. Many people I have talked to, who added more raw meals to their diet have spoken about their increased ability to stay focused for a longer period of time. I agree with that experience, because when I make a point of incorporating more raw meals throughout the week into my life, my ability to stay longer on task increases noticeably. While I am not aware of a specific study validating that claim, it is my personal experience, and understandably so, considering that my nutrient intake has increased, which also affects brain function positively.

Wondering how to actually turn this into a practice, now that you know why you should?

You can start simple, by a large bowl of fruit for breakfast, or a variety of cut up veggies with your favorite homemade salsa
or hummus as a dip. But you can also make yourself a soup, if you have a blender, like this creamy tomato soup

Creamy RawTomato Soup

Creamy Raw Tomato Soup Recipe (Vegan) 

You will need
4 tomatoes
2 medium carrots – peeled
1 to 2 celery
1 tablespoon of your favorite almond butter
1 tablespoon coconut oil
2 -3 dried tomatoes (not in olive oil)
2 teaspoons of dried oregano
1 teaspoon of dried  basil
1 teaspoon of dried thyme
salt and pepper to taste
some water

Place all of the ingredients into a blender, adding water to it, while you blend it all up, until it reaches the desired consitency.
Place into your favorite bowl and granish with arucola, or parsely – whatever you have on hand.



If you are feeling more adventurous, check out this book by a wonderful Youtuber named Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram, also known as Raw Food Kristina. I absolutely adore her tips on raw foods, meal prep, her raw vegan recipes and now her book, which is a Bestseller on Amazon – for good reason. A great book to start your journey on eating more raw – get it today! Ranging from savory to sweet, there is something for everyone in her book!

The Fully Raw Diet available on Amazon now! 


Check out the following blog hops to connect with other bloggers, foodies and more!

Fun Friday Favorites 

Friday Home Link Up

Friday Finds And Favorites

No Rule Weekend Blog Party

Extra Veg April Linky

Be Inspired