Take 2 Steps Toward Success – Learning And Taking Action

Take 2 Steps Toward Success-Learning And Taking Action.

A willingness to learn new things is the first step to success. The second step  is to turn what you have learned into actions. 

Finding information and the willingness to learn new information is important, even if it can be overwhelming. Thanks to the internet, and instantly available ebooks, there are not many true excuses anyone can have for not finding the answers to a problem you have. There are facebook groups, forums, and networks on just about every subject. Peer support is a click away, courses on every subject are available, in many instances those are free. Gathering information is time-consuming, yet easy and possible.

Taking action, however, even if they are laid out in front of you, in workbooks, course assignments, daily assignment threads, or action prompts are often ignored, or “postponed” until a later time. I have heard so many excuses, real or imagined why someone could not follow through upon what they learned – from, lack of time to kids, to other responsibilities. Yet, we find time to talk about our favorite television shows, follow our favorite sports team, or leave comments on funny youtube videos.

If you want success you have to take both steps. Take 2 Steps Toward Success-Learning And Taking Action. (1)

There are no short-cuts around that fact – no one will learn what you need to learn for you, and no one will turn off that television or gaming console that distracts you from taking action. YOU have to make that commitment, YOU have to make that choice, between continued stagnant existence or success. Those two steps are the prize you have to pay, in order to become the person, I know you want to be.

Take those two steps and you will find, that the harder you work for your success, the less competition you will come in contact with. You see, too many choose the couch, the video game, the excuses, leaving a lot of opportunities open for those who are willing to work for it. They choose convenience over success.

Which one will you choose?



P.S. If you are interested in growing now, and taking action now, join me at Wealthy Affiliate Network for free. Taking the first step to creating a first-rate online presence takes knowledge which can be sometimes elusive and confusing. Wealthy Affiliate has created free step-by-step lessons on how to build a website, how to find your niche, how to create great content and more. With incredible peer support, you can ask for as much or as little help as you need. What are you waiting for? Join now! 



Combine Power Posing With Belief Altering Activities

(Disclaimer: The following post contains affiliate links. Check Disclosure page for more information)

Combine Power Posing With Belief Altering Activities

So you are interesting in creating a better future for yourself, utilizing the principles of Law of Attraction and co-creation. Then you are already aware of the fact that you need to change some of your beliefs that are limiting you, and are indicated via a negative feeling, in order to manifest your desired result.
Yet, seems harder than it sounds after actually trying to implement these new beliefs, and make them stick. Old behaviors and patterns tend to return after a few days of practice, even though your intent was to make a lasting change.

We receive exactly what we expect to receive - John Holland

How can we change that from happening?

One example is to combine the practice of intentional power posing with the life-affirming actions of thought control via affirmations and mantras.


Far & Wide Collective
This means in practice, that throughout a practice session, which ideally should happen three times a day for about 10 minutes, but at a minimum during your morning routine for 10 minutes, one assumes a power pose. You can use any powerful stance you like, as long as you stand up straight, with your chin high and your eyes forward, shoulders rolled back, and not slouched. For more information on power poses, you can watch Amy Cuddy’s video here, I especially like the pose she calls “Wonder Woman Pose”. After holding this position for two minutes, sit comfortably but again in a powerful position, meaning straight, with your feet on the ground, and in an upright, not slouched position, and repeat your chosen affirmations, or mantras, as you would usually.

At this time, you are now integrating this new belief, while being the physical and chemical state of powerfulness. The most instantly noticeable change is, that your feelings will be of a more positive nature, than if you just practiced from a standard position. In the long-run you will feel overall more powerful, and open to your new beliefs with a more lasting, effect. A powerful place from which to become an effective co-creator.


Have a wonderful day!

Coloring Books to Relax

17 Little Tips To Boost Your Brainpower

(Disclaimer: The following post contains affiliate links, see discloser page for details)

Tips To Boost Your Brain Power

Sometimes it is the little adjustment that yields the most desired result. Which is the reason I compiled this list of little tips on how you can boost your brainpower with a relative little, or minimal effort.
Some of these might sound silly at first, but are proven to make your focus, determination, and workflow easier. Try them out for yourself!


1. Write down the random thoughts and ideas that come to mind, and put them into a file to get back later. The key action here is not to take any actions upon them, rather just collecting them.
2. Turn your phone to silence
3. Utilize Pocket for saving articles and videos to watch later
4. Sit by a window
5. Limit meetings to 15 minutes
6. Create a “stop doing” list
7. Focus on one project/action at a time
8. Automate as many tasks as you can
9. Celebrate small wins
10. Keep a done list
11. Smile at yourself in the mirror
12. Change to a more powerful stance/sitting position
13. Analyze which time of day you do your best work and schedule your most important work then
14. Utilize project managing apps like Nozbe
15. Delegate
16. Use a dictation app
17. “Read” audiobooks at 2X speed, do the same with Youtube videos and lectures.


Have a blessed day!


18 Affirmations

The following blog post contains  affiliate link to Amazon. While I do receive a small compensation when you decide to purchase something via this link, the opinion about the book is completely my own.
Affirmations and mantras allow us to reprogram our inner chatter. They give us something to focus on, besides our negative and self-limiting thoughts, and if repeated often enough will assist us in changing our state, especially if those affirmations are practiced in conjunction with movement. Repeat the affirmations below, or any mantra of your choosing, while exercising, walking your dogs, brushing your teeth, or doing any other activity that usually would allow your mind to wonder.
 I am beautiful inside and out, and I allow my beauty to shine for all the world to see!
 I am special and unique in the world.
I face today’s difficulties with strength and wisdom.
 I feel the love of those who are not physically around me.
 I take pleasure in my own solitude.
 I am too big a gift to this world to feel self-pity.
 I love and approve of myself.
I am successful.
I am honest in my life, and my work.
I like completing tasks and projects on time.
I’m grateful for the job I have.
I enjoy working with my team.I’m bringing a positive attitude to work every day.
I am excellent at what I do.
 My marriage is becoming stronger, deeper, and more stable each day.
 I possess the qualities needed to be extremely successful.
 My business is growing, expanding, and thriving.
 Creative energy surges through me and leads me to new and brilliant ideas.
 Happiness is a choice. I base my happiness on my own accomplishments and the blessings I’ve been given.
Combined with gratitude and movement, the practice of affirmation can be very powerful. As with most spiritual and mental practices it should become a part of your daily routine, and not just an every once in a while practice for the best results.
Question For Today 
Do you have any special affirmations or mantras that keep you focused or in your creative zone?
51zqxy6inpl._sx331_bo1,204,203,200_If you are looking for some more  inspiration about affirmations or want to read more about them, check out “The Power of Affirmations –  1000 Positive Affirmations by Louise Stapley
It is a thorough book on affirmations covering the following topics
1. The purpose of Affirmations
2. How to create effective Affirmations
3. How to Tell if an Affirmations Will Work
4. How Often to Recite Affirmations
5. The Best Way to Recite Affirmations
6. Common Challenges in Using Affirmations
7. Conclusion: Use Affirmations With Care
8. Affirmation examples: For the physical body, (weight loss, anti-aging, weight gain, healthy hair and nails, exercise, health)
9. Affirmations for Wealth & Success (Money, career, success, abundance)
10. Affirmations for Love and Relationships (Love, Friendship, Romance, Family, Parent/Children, Marriage)
11. Affirmations for self-image (Self-esteem, confidence, strength, wisdom, attitude, memory) `
12. Affirmations for Peace and Harmony (Forgiveness, Happiness, Faith, Peace, Safety, Trust, Life)
I am grateful that you joined me today, and hope that you will have a wonderful and productive week.

Book Review: Appreciation Marketing – How To Achieve Greatness Through Gratitude

Title:  Appreciation Marketing – How To Achieve Greatness Through Gratitude

AuthorTommy Wyatt

Genre: Marketing, Self-Help

Publisher: Amazon Digital Services

Rating: 5/5 Stars


There are some book that are read, and forgotten, and then there are books that remind you of what you should already know and do but give you the kick to actually follow through upon that knowledge.

This book is of the latter kind, a book on practical gratitude and appreciation especially for people who are in some form of business of their own, no matter what service or product you sell, or value you give. It challenges you to actively give thanks, on a regular basis and tells you why – outside of the ever present, even if important daily gratitude ritual.
Gratitude is a way of life, a way of being, and a philosophy we should embrace in every aspect of our life. It is not something you o once a day, not solely placed somewhere on the pages of a notebook. This book is a reminder of that.
If you are interested at all in the principles of co-creation, personal growth or even Law of Attraction, then embracing a life of gratitude. It will change your life!
This book can tell you why.

(Disclaimer: I have received a copy of this book via a book subscription service named Script. The links on this page to Amazon and Creative Live are affiliated links, but all opinions are as always my own)


10 Journal Prompts To Start Your Year Off Right

Positive habits, like writing in our journal are a powerful way to increase happiness, reduce anxiety and to create focus. But what to write on a daily basis? While I suggest to always make a gratitude  list  a part of your daily journal routine, it does not have to, and should not be limited to that aspect of journal writing.

I have combined some powerful prompts for you, which you can use to expand your journal writing practice

10 Powerful Journal Prompts


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Because it is Friday, I am sharing with you, what I am grateful for this week:

1. A quiet and peaceful New Years eve. Surprisingly New Years in Las Vegas is tame compared to some other cities around the world I have been in. A pleasant surprise.

2. I met some really nice new neighbors. Very friendly people and my dogs seem to like them too.

3. There has been a lot more sunshine. Still cold, but at least, the sun is shining. I can deal with that.

Have a wonderful weekend!



Celebrating The Week With Gratitude – A Celebrate The Small Things Blog Post

Celebrate The Small Things

“Gratitude” by Allroads

I hope you all had a wonderful week. If you did, why not participate in the “Celebrate The Small Things” Blog Hop and share with us what you are grateful for?

What am I grateful for this week:

I am grateful that I am back on track with my daily exercise. I try to walk a minimum of 12000 steps a day, but when we were all sick that was not possible. Now, thanks to my favorite motivational tool ( the Fitbit Charge) and the fact that we are all well, I am back to my regular routine. At least when it comes to exercise.

I am also grateful that my son has decided to become a vegetarian. That is totally his choice – my daughter switched to a vegetarian diet when she was 12 as well, and now is a vegan – but it makes it so much easier to cook every day, because now instead of cooking for one meat-eater, one vegetarian (me) and one vegan – the only meat I have to cook is for the dogs, unless my husband is home, who is staying on the standard American diet – well, at least for now, there is hope there too.

I am grateful that there is more leakage of the Suicide Squad movie – well, the shooting of the movie to be exact. I can not wait to see Jared Leto play the Joker. As both a Leto and a comics fan (both Marvel and DC), I am so happy for any snippet of info I can get my hands on.

What are you grateful for this week? Is there something you are really looking forward to, or something you experienced that still leaves you in a state of glee each time you think about it? Please share, we all love great news – oh, and do not forget to stop by all of the other wonderful bloggers who are participating in this blog hop.



P.S The above gratitude poster was designed by Allroads and is available here. Please support independent artists!

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Writers, Mind Your Words – How Our Statements About Ourselves Determine Our Future

How Our Words Determine Our Future

As writers we are aware how important it is to choose our words carefully. Expressing the deeper meaning our characters actions, takes a deliberate focus upon each aspect of the story, from what words we put in, to what words we leave deliberately out.

But do we take as much care of our words when it comes to ourselves? Are we as careful about the statements that express what we are, how we feel and what we expect?

I advise you to take a moment and evaluate how you finish most of these sentence.

I am…

I feel…

I will…

I do…

These seemingly simple beginnings of a sentence have a far more powerful force upon your existence than you might realize. What you choose to put behind those words determines your day, the way people feel about your presence, and most importantly the way you feel about yourself.

If those sentence fragments often finish with a positive sequence of words, then you are doing a fantastic job working toward whatever goal you have in life. Your actions spring from these platforms with a burst of energy and move you closer to your end goals.

If however, your sentence conclude in negativity, expressing distress more often than not, those statements have a profound effect on keeping you in that negative state. You continue to feel bad, you continue to look at a situation with negativity, and through those dark colored glasses, miss opportunities and potential expansions that are right in front of your eyes.

You can talk yourself into success, and you can talk yourself out of it.

Your choice.

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