Homeschooling Parents, Teach Your Kids To Code!

Homeschooling Parents, TeachYour Kids ToCode!
My coding skills are minimal and basic on a good day. But that does not stop me from making sure my homeschooled kids
are learning important coding skills.

I know that there are many homeschooling parents out there that are not choosing to teach their kids to code.
Some of it is out of fear of teaching a subject matter, they have no knowledge off, for others, it is the fact that they
do not see the relevance. Both of these sides need to be debunked right now.

You see, we desperately need people who can fill the positions that need coding in this country. In order to stay
competitive with other nations, it is important that all of our kids have the skills to secure themselves a good job
and with that help our economy grow. Yes, I am oversimplifying things at the moment, but I am not trying to make a point
about raising the economy one person at a time, but rather giving that one person – your child – the chance to be one
of the successful ones. For that, these skills are needed, skills that as a homeschooling parent, you are responsible for sharing with them. Coding is one of them.

summer1Now, if you, like me, have no idea how to do more than basic coding, how in the world are you going to teach your children?
Simple, invest in a good program, like “Simple Coding”. Just like you would and probably are investing in language lessons and music teachers, you can use Simple Coding to teach them, and yourself this important skill.

Why do I like this program so much?

1. Because they have multiple learning options, like my current favorite the “Game Design Software for Kids“, which is
what my son is working through right now. .Other options are their Summer Camps and in person live classes.

2. It is affordable. There are no hidden fees, high up-front costs, or minimum purchases. You simply buy the program that
fits your kid, and that is it.

3. Online support. With an access to support and a forum, you are not on your own when you are teaching your children.

4. Incentives. Simply Coding gives away scholarships, like their 2016 JavaScript Game Design Competition, that is
currently going on, and ends May 21st.

But don’t just take my word for it, watch these testimonials right here:

Check out the Simply Coding JavaScript Platform details:

  • ✓ LIVE MENTOR ASSISTANCE: Unlike other programs that offer you a “how to” sheet and let you go, we offer live chat assistance to make sure you or your child know exactly how to best use our JavaScript software. Also, on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month we conduct an hour of live question / answer with our mentors!
  • ✓ SCHOOL APPROVED CURRICULUM and STEM CERTIFIED: The Simply Coding program has been approved by school systems throughout the country, both as part of their course catalogs and as an after school program. It has been in operation in classrooms for the last three years!
  • ✓ DESIGNED BY PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMMERS: Our software has been designed based on the feedback of thousands of kids who have helped us test, refine, and perfect our system.
  • ✓ CODING EDUCATION: Our educational software is not only meant to teach children how to build games and learn coding, it’s about expanding their critical thinking skills and ability to innovate. Your kid has done Scratch, Khan Academy,, Codecademy, Hour of Code and now this is the NEXT STEP!
  • ✓ WORKS ON ANY PC OR MAC: Unlike other programs that require strict system requirements, you simply need to access our online class via the provided registration access code, create an account and start using our videos and tutorials to receive a solid JavaScript education through creating computer games.

So, dear homeschooling parent, what are you waiting for? Give yourself and your child the gift of coding today!
Disclaimer: I was given the Simple Coding Javascript Platform at a discount in return for an honest review.Homeschooling Parents, TeachYour Kids ToCode!

Vegan Spaghetti Carbonara (Creamy Coconut Leek Sauce)

Vegan Spaghetti Carbonara

—- The following post contains affiliate links, see disclosure page for details ——- 

I like eating creamy dishes – which is why I almost always have coconut milk in the house. It is no wonder then, that I had to find a replacement for one of my favorite pasta dishes – carbonara. Not exactly the most healthy meal in its original form,
but yummy enough to break all of the rules.
But now I don’t have to feel guilty about my creamy indulgence anymore because I came up with a carbonara that replaces the real thing. I hope you like it as much as I do, just one warning – it is addicting.

You will need:

1 package whole-grain pasta (you can use gluten-free, or regular whole-wheat, whichever you prefer)
1 leek
2 tablespoon of coconut oil
1 can (about 250 ml) coconut milk (for this do not use the low-fat variety – trust me on this, it is time to splurge)
salt, pepper, and ground nutmeg to taste

Cook the spaghetti according to the package directions. Rinse and set aside.
Meanwhile, cut the white part of the leeks in thin rings. Add the coconut oil into a deep pan, cook until the leek becomes
somewhat translucent, similar to cooking onions. Add the coconut milk to the leek and simmer for 5 minutes, or until
the leak becomes soft. Add salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste.
Top your pasta with the creamy coconut sauce – and you are done!

Another simple, yet yummy meal, that is easy to make, and satisfying enough for a meat eater. If you are participating in the Meatless Mondays’ this is the perfect easy, and decadent meal for you, that keeps you full, energized, and will not make you miss the meat, dairy or any other animal product!
Variety: I have made a variety of this dish by adding broccoli instead of leek to the sauce. It is just as yummy!

To make the creation of this dish even easier, and keep your food from sticking, use this great CuliChef Silicone & Stainless Steel Spatula that I have recently discovered. I love this heavy duty kitchen instrument, as it can hold some weight, does not stick and can handle heat up to 445 Degrees Fahrenheit (220 Celcius). I have become a fan of anything silicone when it comes to kitchen gadgets, and this spatula is no exception. It has a long handle, which prevents any splattering on your hands, which is great, especially when you are trying to teach children how to cook. As an extra bonus, I found it very easy to clean, no matter what sticky mess I made.  Try it out, it is available on Amazon now.

(Disclaimer: I have received the CuliChef Silicone & Stainless Steel Spatula for free in return for an honest and unbiased review. )


Have a wonderful day!


Wordless Wednesday: Wellness

Those who thinkthey have no time for healthy eating, will sooneror later have to make timefor illness.


This blog post is a part of the following blog hops:

Spring Digital Link Up

Wordless Wednesday (1)

Wordless Wednesday (2)

Wordless Wednesday by XMasDolly 

What Are You Doing In April – Blog Hop

Extra Veg – April Linky

Be Inspired 

Not Just For Families With Allergies: Happy Baby Home Party!

Not Just For Families With Allergies- Happy Baby Home Party!

(Disclaimer: The following post contains affiliate links, see Disclosure page for more details)

If you have a family plagued with allergies, or just want to do your part for the environment by using clean, not tested on animal products, then I have an opportunity for you. Seventh Generation is giving away all that is needed to host a Happy Baby Home Party, and all you have to do is sign up for a chance to get selected!


What is a Healthy Baby Home Party?

Seventh Generation’s home parties are powered by people like you who are focused on creating a healthy environment for the next generation. Developed with input from non-profit partner, Healthy Child Healthy World, they are a great way to get together with friends, share helpful information, and make an impact!

Healthy Baby Home Party kits are provided to all selected hosts and are filled with educational info about our environment, helpful tips, a fun game, and samples and coupons from Seventh Generation and other favorite family-friendly brands like  bobble, Plum Organics, and Zarbee’s Naturals.


What is the Application Process?

  • Sign up at to join the Generation Good community, or log in if already a member
    • Accept the Healthy Baby Home Party Application offer on your Generation Good dashboard and complete the application.
    • Applicants will be notified by end of March if they have been selected to host a party, via an email to the email address assigned to their Generation Good member profile.
    • All selected applicants will then need to confirm their participation by accepting the Healthy Baby Home Party Mission in Generation Good and confirming their shipping address.
    • 1,900 FREE Party Kits will be distributed in this round.
    • Hosting spots are open to US residents only at this time. Canadian parties are planned for later in 2016!
    • Full terms and conditions are available within Generation Good in the “Healthy Baby Home Party Application” offer.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!

The Tea – A Flash Fiction



“Soon”, she said to the impatient child, stirring the tea, the clouds of steam rising above the slightly cracked cup, slowly allowing the brew of roots to cool to a consumable temperature.
She tried not to frown, her eyes filled with a sorrowful smile as she nodded reassuringly at the little one.
This would have to make due for now, no breakfast available to fill their empty stomachs, but at least, the heat the tea brought would allow them to move about in the bitter cold.
For a moment, a flicker of despair rushed across her face, but she caught herself, adjusting it back to the well-practiced facade she had worn now far too long.

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2015

The above image is by the talented Samantha Aplin and is available on RedBubble. Please support independent artists, thank you.

The flash fiction was inspired by Lillie McFerrin’s flash fiction prompt “Steam”, and the #1word blog hop prompt “Soon”. Finest Craft Beers from America’s Best Micro Breweries- 300x250 banner

Holding Onto Hope – A Poem

hope (1)

the sound of a fight
echoes through the dreary house
no longer refuge

from where can I steal
a little sense of peace, lost
somewhere in the dark

Copyright Claudia Blanton 2015

Bedtime – A Five Sentence Flash Fiction


Bedtime routines are supposed  promote comfort, peace and set a mood for a relaxing night sleep. At least that is what they teach in school, and I am inclined to believe my teachers. But now, as I am laying in my bed – the thick covers barely manage to hide my shivering – I hear them again, fighting, as they have every night for as long as I can remember. And I know, that in morning, my Mother’s bruised face will bear witness to my father’s rage.

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2015

This post was inspired by this weeks Five Sentence Flash Fiction Prompt: “Bedtime”.

Messy Little Home Office – A Daily Prompt Post

Today, the Daily Prompt asks us about our messes:

What’s messier right now — your bedroom or you computer’s desktop (or your favorite device’s home screen)? Tell us how and why it got to that state.

Well, to be honest, this morning, that was my home office. You see, I work from home – run our business, homeschool two children and write, all from the same space. That can get chaotic, and we have been working on increasing the space from which I can work out of (new house in the Hollywood Hills, here we come!). But until then, we have to make do with the space we have.

This morning – just like  every Tuesday during Fall show season, the desk is not at its finest. I would like to pretend that it would look like the following:

Nice Office space

but reality is, that it looks more something like this:

messy desk

You see, Monday evenings are not spend on cleaning. They are spend together as a family watching our favorite shows, and playing some video games. They are reserved for fun, for discussion, for moments we will remember. Because I have different goals for our family, not the goal of having a spotless home – which will happen once I can afford a maid – but the goal of togetherness, of reaching our potential, of setting and reaching our personal goals, and having a safe and warm space of connecting, that will have nothing to do with how organized my desk looked. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a neat, and clean space, but it is not the most important thing.

My family is.

Here is what other people wrote for today’s prompt:


Neither — I’m not a slob.

Sweeping Motions: What’s messier?


A New Life – A Five Sentence Flash Fiction

A New Life

The headache caused some confusion, a migraine more powerful than what she had ever experienced before.
Nausea added to the discomfort, but despite all of this, all of the pain off the last few days, there was more joy in her eyes, than she had ever shown before, her heart overflowing with love.
What did it matter, what came before, when the most beautiful creature laid beside her, waddled in a soft blue blanket, eyes closed, dreaming of things to come.
Giving one last glance at her newborn, her heart sorring with so much love, that it almost hurt, Liza smiled.
Grateful, she closed her eyes as well, falling into a deep, well deserved sleep.

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2014

This post was inspired by a prompt from Lillie McFerrin’s “Five Sentence Fiction” blog. Every week or so, Lillie posts a word that serves as a prompt and has to be used in the story. That particular weeks word was “Confusion”.

Number 49

download (25)

“Did you see her?”
Who? The younger woman frowned at her mother.
“The one who walks in circles around the complex. She is walking again.”
“I am surprised, it is still a little cold.” Mel rinsed off the Granny Smith apple and bit into it with enthusiasm.
Mumbling, she chewed, “Those are good.”
“What did you say?”
“The apples, Mom. I like those.
“Great, those green ones used to be my favorite growing up. Tart and juicy.”
Looking away from her daughter and glancing through the kitchen blinds, the older woman frowned at what she saw. The long parking lot, holding two rows of cars, not just from their building of condos, but three more, arranged so it formed an oval driveway through which the owners moved their vehicles. And walked their dogs.
Or strolled round, and round and round. A woman, heck a girl about the same age then her daughter in way to thin clothing for this time of year.
“She must be freezing.I wonder how long she is going to keep this up tonight. Probably another hour or two, judging by the last few days.”
A dog barked, its high pitched sound echoing through the otherwise quiet neighborhood.
The girl walking jumped at the sound, flinching. Then continued to walk. Around again.
“Poor thing is scared of dogs.”
Glancing at their own two rescues sleeping on the living room couch, Mel sighed.
“Then this is the wrong neighborhood for her.”
Louise nodded.
“Something is just not right there.Strange young girl.”


She turned up the volume of her IPod, hoping it would drain out the barking of the dogs. Loud music, drowning out the voices of others, the sounds of the cars, the fierce and threatening growl of the four legged minions, others called pets.
Drowning out the sounds of her parents yelling at each other, the drunken speech, slurred and wet, both inebriated before they day was dark.
Just walk. Keep on walking.
Pretending she did not see the glares of the people walking by, the curious frowns drawn in her direction, while nodding their Hello’s. She pulled her thin jacket closer, trying to keep both the colder evening air away from reaching her, and the sight of the bruises upon her shoulders away of the nosy glares she felt upon her through the windows.
If they only knew. If anyone would just ask about her personal little hell, she lived every day. The one she escaped through those moments of walking by the cars, listening to any sound, other then what the real world had to offer.
Just walk.
Jennifer turned her head, just in time to see the curious peak of what seemed to be a woman, eyes lazed with something different then the usual disapproval.
Lifting the blinds, the woman nodded and smiled, and Jen smiled back, while continuing to walk through the neighborhood, a flicker of hope grasping for her heart.
Maybe someone did care. Maybe she was not all alone. Maybe one day she could talk to whomever was behind the thick white blinds in Number 49.

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2014

This flash fiction was inspired by today’s daily prompt, “vice”.