Homeschooling Parents, Teach Your Kids To Code!

Homeschooling Parents, TeachYour Kids ToCode!
My coding skills are minimal and basic on a good day. But that does not stop me from making sure my homeschooled kids
are learning important coding skills.

I know that there are many homeschooling parents out there that are not choosing to teach their kids to code.
Some of it is out of fear of teaching a subject matter, they have no knowledge off, for others, it is the fact that they
do not see the relevance. Both of these sides need to be debunked right now.

You see, we desperately need people who can fill the positions that need coding in this country. In order to stay
competitive with other nations, it is important that all of our kids have the skills to secure themselves a good job
and with that help our economy grow. Yes, I am oversimplifying things at the moment, but I am not trying to make a point
about raising the economy one person at a time, but rather giving that one person – your child – the chance to be one
of the successful ones. For that, these skills are needed, skills that as a homeschooling parent, you are responsible for sharing with them. Coding is one of them.

summer1Now, if you, like me, have no idea how to do more than basic coding, how in the world are you going to teach your children?
Simple, invest in a good program, like “Simple Coding”. Just like you would and probably are investing in language lessons and music teachers, you can use Simple Coding to teach them, and yourself this important skill.

Why do I like this program so much?

1. Because they have multiple learning options, like my current favorite the “Game Design Software for Kids“, which is
what my son is working through right now. .Other options are their Summer Camps and in person live classes.

2. It is affordable. There are no hidden fees, high up-front costs, or minimum purchases. You simply buy the program that
fits your kid, and that is it.

3. Online support. With an access to support and a forum, you are not on your own when you are teaching your children.

4. Incentives. Simply Coding gives away scholarships, like their 2016 JavaScript Game Design Competition, that is
currently going on, and ends May 21st.

But don’t just take my word for it, watch these testimonials right here:

Check out the Simply Coding JavaScript Platform details:

  • ✓ LIVE MENTOR ASSISTANCE: Unlike other programs that offer you a “how to” sheet and let you go, we offer live chat assistance to make sure you or your child know exactly how to best use our JavaScript software. Also, on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month we conduct an hour of live question / answer with our mentors!
  • ✓ SCHOOL APPROVED CURRICULUM and STEM CERTIFIED: The Simply Coding program has been approved by school systems throughout the country, both as part of their course catalogs and as an after school program. It has been in operation in classrooms for the last three years!
  • ✓ DESIGNED BY PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMMERS: Our software has been designed based on the feedback of thousands of kids who have helped us test, refine, and perfect our system.
  • ✓ CODING EDUCATION: Our educational software is not only meant to teach children how to build games and learn coding, it’s about expanding their critical thinking skills and ability to innovate. Your kid has done Scratch, Khan Academy,, Codecademy, Hour of Code and now this is the NEXT STEP!
  • ✓ WORKS ON ANY PC OR MAC: Unlike other programs that require strict system requirements, you simply need to access our online class via the provided registration access code, create an account and start using our videos and tutorials to receive a solid JavaScript education through creating computer games.

So, dear homeschooling parent, what are you waiting for? Give yourself and your child the gift of coding today!
Disclaimer: I was given the Simple Coding Javascript Platform at a discount in return for an honest review.Homeschooling Parents, TeachYour Kids ToCode!


Cryptic - A Haiku

will you understand
the cryptic message’s hidden thoughts
left at your doorstep?

Copyright Claudia H. Blanton 2014

This post was inspired by today’s Daily Post Prompt: “The Language of Things”.