The Kitchen Witches Creed

In this pot, I stir to the sun

an’ follow the rule of harming none

Banishment of bane when going widdershin’s

And with water and salt negativity is cleansed

Household duties are more then chores

Magick abounds when mopping floors

With this broom I do sweep

To clean my house an’ safety keep

Marigold, Basil, Thyme and Yarrow

My spell is cast for a better tomorrow

Lemons for joy and apples for health

The pow’r within brings great wealth

An’ in this kitchen, I do pray

To truly walk the Witches Way

(Author Unknown)





For clarity: 


widdershins – counterclockwise – used for banishing

bane – negativity 

Magick is not misspelled, it is how practicing Witches separate the magic that is show from the magick that is actual a tool and a power of change.