Health Benefits of Coconut Oil For Dogs

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When administrating natural products to our pets, there are – for a good reason – some serious questions that come up
Today, I am answering the top 4 questions asked related to the health benefits of coconut oil for dogs.

Most common questions people ask me, when the topic of adding coconut oil to a dog’s diet comes up are:

1. Is coconut oil safe for dogs?
2. Why should I give my dogs coconut oil?
3. What is the best type of coconut oil for dogs?
4. How to administer coconut oil to the dog

Is coconut oil safe for dogs?
Generally speaking, it is safe for most dogs. Like people, animals can present allergies, so as with all new medication, remedies and food changes, watch your dog very closely.The most common side effects of giving coconut oil is  some greasy stool and upset stomach, which occurs most often because it was introduced too quickly to the dogs diet. If your dog shows severe signs of upset, is vomiting or has excessive diarrhea contact your vet, and disclose that you are introducing coconut oil.


Why should I give my dogs coconut oil?
Coconut oil has a wide variety of health benefits for your pets as well as for you. The health benefits for your dogs
are the following:

– antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties
– aids in recovery and prevention of allergic reactions
– balances thyroid and weight issues
– reduces doggy odor
– improves digestion
– aids in healing from wounds and scrapes
– aids in the reduction and healing of dry spots
– helps reduce the inflammation caused by arthritis and joint dysfunction
– reduces bad breath
– prevents diabetes

What is the best type of coconut oil for dogs?
Make sure you read the label of your coconut oil closely. You should always use organic coconut oil that is
non-gmo (I would highly recommend that you choose the same if you are planning to use it for cooking human food)
Coconut oils vary in their flavors – some of them greatly. For your pet, you want to look for a coconut oil that has little
or no coconut flavor, like this Island Fresh Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, which is my dogs favorite. It is also cold-pressed, which assures that it is of highest quality
How to administer coconut oil to the dog:
While some dogs are eager to try new things, others – like one of my own – need a little bit of convincing. But there
are some ways to make giving coconut oil a little easier to your dog, by making your own dog treats or by purchasing
dog treats made with coconut oil. Some dogs love the taste so much so, that they will enjoy licking it off a spoon!



Gently introduce coconut oil to your dog’s diet, by including it into your homemade dog food or treats. Start with a fourth
of the dose, then slowly increase the dose over the next 4 weeks. This will prevent stomach upset, and the dreaded greasy
diarrhea, that comes from introducing coconut oil too quickly. The recommended dose of coconut oil for your dog depends on its weight:

Coconut Oil Dosage: 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of your dog’s body weight




Do you have any additional questions regarding coconut oil for dogs? Leave me a comment below!


A Day Of Dog Pampering – A Dog Care Supply Haul I Am Excited About

A Day Of Dog Pampering

Disclaimer: I have received the products mentioned free of charge in exchange for an honest review. This post also contains affiliate links. See disclosure page for details

Due to the many allergies my little-adopted furry dog  friends have, do I refrain from sending them to a groomer, and rather take care of their needs myself. Even if that means some extra work – and the occasional times when I end up wetter than the dogs taking a bath – I love pampering my pooches, while the cat watches on from the distance.

But before washing them with our favorite Burts Bee Hypoallergenic Shampoo (for Dogs), however we had to try out our new Furbabies Retractable Dog Leash, and the dogs had a blast with that thing.

Retractable Dog LeashI have been staying away from retractable dog leashes, as I had a bad experience with them, having been cut, after it wrapping itself around my leg. So I was pleasantly surprised when the Furbabies 15 ft retractable leash offered a flat soft leash, that will prevent these accidents from happening. While it states, that it is for small dogs – and I originally accepted the offer, because I wanted to use it on a small toy chihuahua, it is better suited for my medium dogs of 30 pounds (Welsh Corgi/Beagle mix), and a Rhodesian Ridgeback mix (45 pounds).The handle of the dog leash alone would have been heavier than our little friend, so we are sticking with a generic, non-retractable leash for our cute sweetheart.  But, for my two larger high energy dogs, this leash is now my favorite.

Adding the finishing touches to their day by using our Safari dog nail clippers, my dogs are again presentable, even if they might not have enjoyed the last part as much as the did the new leash. I contemplated the use of doggie nail polish, but I am pretty sure, my husband would have thought I was completely crazy, so I led that one go.

After the wellness treatment

After such adventure, we are usually all exhausted, as you can see by how one of my puppies passed out, watching us play Sorry!. 


Question: What are your favorite ways to pamper your pets? Do you have a special groomer you take them to, or do you also DIY their beauty routine at home?


This post is a part of the following blog hops:
March Week #4 Blog hop

What Are You Doing In March Blog Hop

Winter Is Leaving Blog Hop

No Rules Weekend Blog Party




How To Make Your Own Cat Food

How To Make Your Own Cat Food


Disclaimer: The following post contains affiliate links, see Disclosure page for details

Upon request of a dear reader, I am writing today about making your own cat food. But before sharing a recipe with you, I would like to take a moment to caution you about making your own pet food. My dogs are fed exclusively on homemade dog food, due to severe allergies. They simply can not eat the commercial stuff without loosing all of their fur, and breaking out.  My cat, on the other hand, is almost exclusively fed on commercial food, because he has no allergies. If you are feeding all of your pets homemade food, do not feed the same food you make for your dogs to your cat. With very different nutritional needs, you would have to cook separately. That said, I make homemade cat food as an occasional treat, which he enjoys very much.


There are a few foods that should never be added to homemade cat food. Those are:


  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Raisins
  • Raw Egg whites
  • Tomatoes
  • Grapes

Some people will tell you that garlic keeps away fleas, in both cats and dogs, but it is also poisonous to their system. So stick with the commercial flea protection like Bayer Advantage  and skip the garlic


When feeding the amount of homemade cat food, keep the following factors in mind, when giving food:

  1. Age
  2. Activity level
  3. pre-existing conditions
  4. size of the cat


You should consult your holistic veterinarian for feeding guidelines, or consult books specifically written on the subject.


Basic Cat Food Recipe:


  • 1/4 teaspoon olive oil or salmon oil
  • 7 grams of feline vitamin/mineral supplement
  • 30 grams of potato, cooked without skin
  • 50 grams of carbs (choose one: cooked pasta, white rice, barley, oatmeal, peas)
  • 83 grams of cooked animal protein (whole meat chicken, lamb, rabbit, beef, pork, tuna, salmon)

Mix all of the ingredients together (a blender works really well for this purpose) and store the food in the fridge until needed


Some of my vegan friends consider feeding their cats and dogs an animal protein-free diet. I personally do not recommend that the same goes for raw diets. Most people making homemade food for their pets will agree that liver should only be fed on occasion as the animal protein given. I completely stay away from liver, as my dogs both seem to have an adverse reaction to it (even though they love the flavor). Every animal will react different to a homemade diet, therefore, your vigilance is required.
Here are two books I highly recommend on the subject:

Dinner PAWsible: A Cookbook of Nutritious, Homemade Meals for Cats And Dogs

available on Amazon now



 The Ultimate Guide To Cats Food

available on Amazon now



This post is a part of the following blog hops:

Amaze Me Monday

Manic Monday Blog Hop

Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Keeping It Simple

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